I'll Get Him Back.

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Josie was in the grocery buying fresh vegetables for dinner and went to the Deli to get a chicken to bake for dinner, she went to the Bakery buying sugar cookies for Julian,Enrique and Isabella when Aliya came to her saying smiling, "Hi,Josie."
"Aliya?" Josie said surprised. "I thought you went back home."
"I decided to come back. How are you?" Aliya said holding her basket of groceries.
"And Manuel and your kids?"
"They're good." Josie said and went to the cashier wanting to get away from her fast.
   Josie took the groceries into the kitchen and unpacked,she was feeling on edge seeing Aliya having a feeling she was back for a reason and that reason wasn't good. She made tea and went to watch TV,she gave the kids their cookies and they went outside.
   Dinner was quiet. Manuel noticed Josie was pensive and detached,he was wondering what happened as he watched her noticing she hardly touched her food. He cleaned up then got the kids ready for bed making a cup of tea for Josie before bed.

Josie was in bed reading and Manuel was looking at her deciding to just ask her what happened.
"I saw Aliya." Josie said quietly.
"She was in the grocery?" Manuel asked.
"She asked how you were. I don't think she's here by coincidence."
Manuel was quiet and Josie asked what was wrong;he said,"She texted me last night saying she was back. I thought she was up to her same nonsense."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I don't want you to worry." Manuel said. "After everything she's done so far."
Josie closed her book and said to him, "Whatever she's up to,she better watch herself because I'm not messing around this time." she went to sleep and Manuel knew how determined his wife was with a challenge.

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