Chapter 1

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Elizabeth's Pov

Jason raped me again; yeah that was my thought process the minute I woke up this morning and checked in the mirror.

Looking at my body now I can see all the bruises he left last night. I can still physically feel his hands on me.

He doesn't let me speak to my friends anymore, not that I really had any.
I only stopped talking to my family because I didn't want them to be dragged into my mess of a life.

Elena texts me everyday but I can't text back because Jason always finds out somehow; I don't know how I always delete the messages after I send them but he always knows.

Today I had a panic attack because I just realised I haven't had my period in two months, that's just what I need a baby.

An innocent baby.

And I'm bringing it into this life.

Maybe Jason will treat me different when he finds out he's going to be a dad.
So that's what I'm doing right now; I'm waiting for him to come home from work with a positive pregnancy test in my hand.

I'm shaking with nerves, I'm honestly scared; I don't want him to react badly and hit me, if he hits me I might lose the baby and I really don't think I can handle that kind of pain.

I'm knocked out of my thoughts by the sound of the front door closing.

"LIZA!" Jason yelled up the stairs, I jumped off the bed and proceeded to walk down the stairs.

"Yes love?" I placed the test in my Jean pocket for later.

"Why is there no dinner on the table? Hmm? You know how I feel about that" his face was getting redder and redder with anger.

I walked closer to him with a smile on my face trying to get him to calm down.

"Don't worry love it's in the oven still. It should be ready in five minutes, but first I need to tell you something" I said excitedly.

He nodded and sat down at the kitchen table with me.

I reached around into my back pocket and pulled the pregnancy test out, I looked at it in my hands and smiled.

I placed it on the table and slid it over to him.

He stared at it for a second before picking it up and reading it, he slammed it back down on the table making me jump.

I shouldn't have told him; this was a bad idea, I should have ran when I had the chance! Why didn't I run? I'm so stupid!

He got out of his seat and stared at me, his face was red with anger and his fist clenched at his side like he wanted to hit me.

"Is this some kind of JOKE!" he screamed in my face making me flinch.

"N-no" I squeaked out.

"Well you can get an abortion! I don't want the little brat!" He demanded.

My eyes started to blur with tears, I shut my eyes trying to stop them; crying always made it worse.

"WHY ARE YOU CRYING! this is your fault! You should have been on the pill you stupid bitch!" Jason shouted in my face.

He kicked the chair out from under me making me fall on the floor and hit my back; I cried out in pain when I felt him punch my side.

Not my stomach at least he didn't punch my stomach.

He gripped my hair in his fist making me cry more; he slapped me across the face twice. He let go of my hair and shoved me on the floor again.

My lip bust and my cheek stung.

"J-Jason please stop!" I cried.

He let out a booming laugh and gripped a hand full of my hair again; he got right up in my face.

"Your not going to get rid of it? No? Hmm" he asked and I shook my head; I want this baby.

"Right well I'll get rid of it myself" he shouted.

My eyes widened in fear as I scrambled up of the floor and ran into the living room; he let out a growl of anger and ran after me.

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