Chapter 3

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Elizabeth pov

"Wake up!"

I woke up to someone shaking me awake, I groaned in protest and I heard the person huff.

Next think I know the blankets are ripped off of me causing me to shoot up.

"Ok ok why am I awake?" I questioned my little sister.

"Because you need a job I'm sick of you moping around all day"

Yep I've been here for about 4 days and all I've done is eat, throw up; not that she knows that. And sleep.

I huffed but agreed with her.

I dragged myself out of bed and down the ladder and into the bathroom.

I took a quick shower and ran back into my room to look through my wardrobe. I chose jeans and a simple jumper to wear and quickly slid it on.

I grabbed my phone and car keys and went downstairs, I skipped breakfast and shouted a quick goodbye to Elena and Jeremy who were sitting in the kitchen

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I grabbed my phone and car keys and went downstairs, I skipped breakfast and shouted a quick goodbye to Elena and Jeremy who were sitting in the kitchen.

I walked over to my car and got in; I drove into town and parked somewhere random.

Once I'd parked I walked down the street looking for any help wanted signs or something.

I saw the grill and decided I should probably have something to eat.

I walked in and went and sat at a table alone, I was looking through the menu when someone slid in front of me.

I rose an eyebrow as I saw Tyler.

"Hi El. Elena mentioned you were back" he said.

I hummed and continued to look at the menu when Matt showed up.

"Hi Matty" I greeted.

He looked surprised to see me and smiled widely at me, I remember him having a crush on me when I was like 17 and he was 15. Hmm.

"Hi Lizzy what can I get you?" He asked waiting to write my order down.

"Just some waffles and a coffee please" I said putting the menu back, he nodded and went off to do it.

I looked back up at Tyler to find him still looking at me.

"Yes Tyler?"

He opened and closed his mouth a couple of times before finally blurting out...
"Can we still you know... like we used to...." he mumbled.

My eyes widened not expecting that to come out of his mouth, you see when I was 16 I was a little bit of a rule breaker and I got drunk a lot and had sex a lot but Tyler was always a friends with benefits sort of situation.

I mean it couldn't hurt... I'm already pregnant.
I got my phone out of my pocket and slid it across the table indicating him to put his number in it.

He smirked and typed his number in, he mumbled a quick 'bye' and walked away.
I scoffed, typical men.

A couple of minutes later matty came back with my breakfast and we talked for a bit, I found out vickey died which was a bummer, she was fun to hang around with.

After I'd finished my breakfast I went looking for a job again, I walked by a small book store and saw they were looking for employees.

I walked in and saw an old woman sitting behind the desk.

"Hello dear how can I help?" She greeted with a small smile.

"Yeah I saw your sign in the window. I was looking for something part time?"

She beamed at me and quickly gave me a job, she said I was nice, friendly and didn't look like a trouble maker.

Yay! I guess.

When I got home lena filled me in on all the things that had been happening around here finally, I mean I've been sitting in my room for 4 days not really talking to people.

I'm glad I wasn't really thinking about Jason that much; I'm surprised how much it doesn't bother me that I probably killed him.

But he did rape and abuse me for 2 years.

Anyways lena told me that, Stephen turned off his emotions whoever that is... jeremys seeing his dead girlfriend Annie or something... Damon's being nice to her for once which I find weird considering how she told me about him.

Some guy named klaus has left finally... weird name if you ask me.

And a bunch of other stuff happened that I wasn't really listening too.

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