Chapter 4

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Elizabeth's pov

So I called my doctor, well my new doctor and I booked a scan to check on the baby.
Still haven't told anyone about that... probably should but it's my life and I don't really give a shit what people think.

I'm also considering going back to high-school because I never finished my last year, but if I go back then I'll be with Elena, Caroline and Bonnie and stuff which is super weird.

Also Bonnie and I have been becoming really close over the 2 weeks I've been her.
Yep I've been here for 2 weeks now.

Anyways I'm not walking around trying to clear my head, I was thinking about Jason; and about what would happen if he found me.

He'd probably drag me back home with him and use me as his little toy again. I hope he's dead honestly.

I got knocked out my thoughts by the sound of someone crying, I looked around and saw a blonde woman sitting on the steps of a old looking building.

I walked over to her and sat next to her.

"Hey... you having a bad day too?" I asked her trying to make small talk which I'm not very good at.

I heard her laugh and look up at me, she looked into my eyes.

She has really beautiful eyes, so blue I could get lost in them forever.

She broke eye contact and cleared her throat with a small blush on her cheeks which I thought was quite cute.

"Yeah my brother left me here, I have to live with some jerks" she mumbled.

"Hmm. Your brother sounds like an ass"

She laughed, the most beautiful laugh and smiled brightly at me. I guess it's working; my cheering up method.

"He is the biggest bloody arse ever you wouldn't even believe" the blonde woman said scoffing.

"Anyways I'm Elizabeth Gilbert but you can shorten it if you want everyone else does" I introduced myself.

"Brilliant! Your the dobblebitches sister" she said jokingly.

I hummed, yes elena did mention she was a doppelgänger of someone called Katherine.

"I'm Rebekah Mikaelson by the way" she introduced herself.

Oh. She's the hybrids sister, and an original vampire interesting.

"Nice to meet you" I mumbled.

We sat in silence, not awkward just comfortable silence. I started to think about Jason again; I touched the bruise on my side which hasn't completely gone away yet even with two weeks.

I winced and Rebekah noticed.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" She asked.

Should I tell her? I mean I kinda trust her... I need someone to talk to or I feel I'm going to have a breakdown.

"I lied to everyone about why I came back" I said quietly knowing she could hear it because of her vamp hearing.

"What did you say?" She asked, she sounded concerned but I must have imagined it.

"I told everyone I go mugged and broke up with my boyfriend.."

She waited in silence for me to continue.

"But really I ran away because he abused me... for two years. H-he would rape me and I got pregnant. I thought he would be happy but when I told him he asked me to get an abortion- I-I didn't want to so I said no. So he told me he'd get rid of it himself." I frowned.

I was nearly crying now, Rebekah noticed and she hugged me while I cried into her chest.

She smelt like vanilla, her scent calmed me down.

"Did he..." she asked warily.

I knew she was asking wether I lost the baby because of him and I shook my head.

"I'm still pregnant but nobody knows just you..." I laughed.
"I can't believe I told a complete stranger"

She brought me away from her chest and looked me in the eyes, she wiped my tears away.

"Yeah well I'm not going to be a stranger for long... I like you and there's not many people that I do like. I won't tell anyone your secret as long as you don't tell people I was crying" she promised.

"I won't. You can keep up your tough vampire act" I promised and muttered a 'thank you'.

She laughed, and hugged me again.

We promised each other we would meet up and vent about our problems to each other whenever.

She gave me her number and said she had to go.

After sitting around for a bit I got a text from Tyler asking me to come round his house.

I sighed and started walking.

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