Drama, Lunch & Dinner

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In a way, it's good that Kat is running late from yoga. It will give me time to talk to Marcy about my open-ended, uncertain plan. Normally I would talk Riley about it before Marcy, but lately I find myself not wanting to put all the shit we normally do on Riley's shoulders. He never really seemed like he couldn't handle everything before but lately, I can see his strain. It's almost like...an indifference, as if nothing matters except his personal life.

I get it. Everyone goes through shit sometimes, so I'm trying not to push up over his bullshit tolerance. So this time, I'll start at the other end of my management team.

Marcy brings a promising sack wafting good smells, but it fails to deliver. She laughs at my disappointment, when I poke in the bag. "Soup?"

"Soup is light. An easy meal for pregnant women."

"Ah. Good to know."

I launch into my Operation Kidney Plan as Marcy unpacks the cartons and the bread. Her movements slow the longer I talk. She folds the takeout bag down carefully, smoothing it over and over. I watch, knowing that I'm not going to like what she's going to say. That surprises me. What could possibly be the PR downside of me donating my kidney to someone so my sick mother-in-law can get one in exchange?

I start over, thinking maybe she didn't quite get all the details.

"It's called a kidney swap. I'm not a match to give my kidney to Ellen, but I could give it to someone else who needs it, see? And that patient who I match might not have a loved one who could give them a kidney, but one of their loved ones who would be willing to donate might match Ellen, see? Or sometimes there are more than two families involved in the swap. It just depends. It's all figured out by computers. Now it's all about timing. Finding the right swap, having all the patients and donors healthy and ready for the surgery. It's super complicated, but I'm leaving it up to Kade and the transplant coordinator...but once a match and the right situation pops up, we may have to move fast. The patients might not all have the same level of urgency in their need for a kidney. Like Ellen might be doing okay, but the person I match too might need it more urgently. So I'll need all hands on deck in SCIC, to get us through this. Can I count on you?"

Marcy is still folding the damn bag.

"So the Ballards are all on board?"

I click the spoons I've retrieved from the drawer together in the drum pattern for December Dawn. "Not exactly. Like I said, it's not officially a plan. Ellen's doctor kinda hates me, and also...you know...the whole rock star thing...I probably don't come off as the perfect picture of health. So I went through Kade. All my screens are great. Apparently, my genetics are pretty resistent to drinkin' and druggin'," I laugh. "I guess I have the old man to thank for that."

Marcy rolls her eyes. "So Kade thinks you're a donor candidate.

"Not just him. The transplant coordinator at his hospital. They did say to quit smokin' and lay off the booze, which I'm doing...look...when this happens, it's probably going to happen fast. I might have a narrow window to...coax the Ballards along with the plan. I'm going to need all SCIC helping. You might have to pick up some management duties this year, with Riley in crisis, and Marley on maternity leave. Can I count on you? To advocate for this?" I repeat with a little irritation. The truth is, I can't believe she's acting so...callous right now.  Marcy is more than just our publicist. She's been with us since the beginning. She's sometimes dating one of my dad's best friends and bandmates. She's more than an employee. She's family.

Marcy waves a hand with a pointed finger. It reminds me of the way Bodie's mom begins a lecture and I sigh, and settle in. "I can't believe you just said that. You can always count on me, Trace. But let me start by giving you some advice, Trace. Not as part of your management team, but as your friend. First, you are going about this ass-backwards," she says bluntly. "You should be talking to Kat about this, not me."

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