Path Of Least Resistance

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Kat, Four Days Later

I stare at the white board. The dry erase marker in my hand smells obnoxiously strong.


I cap it and step away from the board, leaning on the conference table in the MdM offices.

"Okay. So we have the venue, theme, a host, a keynote speaker, and a rough guest list..." I look over the potential donor pool in Portland. "We need more rich people, people," I tell my team. "We need to go beyond our hosts contacts. Think people. Who else do we know in Portland? Who else do we know who know people in Portland?"

"Dev knows some people there. Or at least, he parties there a lot. I'm not sure if he crashes or if he's invited," Bridget admits, and the table laughs. Bridge rolls her eyes. "I know. He's a heathen. But he's a very charming heathen. He might be very good at talking rich people out of their money. Like recognizes like. Want me to bring him in on this one?"

She looks at me, because it's my call. I consider. Dev is a loose cannon at the best of times. He can one-eighty from aristocrat to straight up thug if someone looks at him the wrong way. But he does have amazing contacts. People are fascinated by the Rapper with a Castle.

"If you can keep him in line," I warn Bridge.

She grins. "I can keep him from punching people at the party if that's what you mean."

"That'll do." I agree.

More laughs, but it's not really funny. I think Bridge is reaching the end of her patience with Dev. Over the years, they've dated for several months on four or five separate occasions, but when it starts to heat up, he always backs away from her. He tells her he's not good enough for her, he'll only mess her up, he's not ready to commit, he's not sure if he ever will be, and they break up.

Five days later, Dev can be seen all over the celebrity gossip sights with another woman and Bridge suffers through a depression for weeks and weeks. Bridge typically doesn't date celebrities except for Dev, so her private life is somewhat more private. But as soon as he hears of Bridge bouncing back, being interested in someone, he freaks. He calls her constantly, makes grand gestures of affection, claims he's utterly devastated by their breakup, swears he's changed, and promises it will be different this time.

For whatever reason, I think Bridge loves that rap bastard, so she takes him back. Every time.

Matt ranges between truly hating Dev and completely understanding his fear of commitment, because he treated Marianne the same way until they were both nearly thirty. Marianne has told Bridge that enough is enough and to sever all ties with Dev, but she can't muster any real disapproval for Bridge taking him back, when she allowed Matt to treat her the same way for a decade before they found a way to permanently love.

I've always thought Adam, for all his many wonderful qualities, had a little bit of a sexist streak, but he's nothing compared to Dev. Dev either esteems a woman like a saint—like his mother, like Marianne—or he places them on some level of goddess that he's not good enough for—like Bridge or Mac— or he objectifies them shamelessly—like fangirls. Marley has speculated that the real issue is an intimacy problem. He can worship saints and goddesses from down below, and he doesn't have to give fangirls anything but a good time. Either way, he stays emotionally separate from them.

"Okay. So let's explore Dev's contacts. Who else?"

A quiet, composed voice from the back of the room says, "We should look in our own backyard. Soundcrush cut their second album in Portland, remember?"

Ashlynn meets my eyes. She looks almost regretful for reminding me.

No, Sis. I don't really remember. I was a high school student worried about things like Homecoming and college applications. You were the one married to Trace then.

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