The deep worry of a friend

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'It's been 3 days and y/n still hasn't waken up yet...' P/n stared in worry and sadness.

'Please be okay.' At that moment y/n starts breathing heavily and groaning in pain.
'It's happening again!' P/n feels her forehead.
'She's burning up! That's not good!' P/n hurriedly puts a cool wet towel on her head.
'That should lower her temperature.'

Time passed quickly and soon it was dark and raining.
'This storm doesn't seem to let up.' Lightning lights up the sky that is soon followed by loud thunder.

'It's just thunder. I better keep watch again.' P/n stands guard watching as the endless drops of rain fell.
Hours past and the night never seemed to end.
'Must.. not... fall asleep...' P/n struggles but fails and drifts to much needed slumber.

A shadow leaked from y/n's deal and took form. It crouched down next to its unconscious host.
"Things sure are unstable inside your head just what are you dreaming about." Akuma said as he poked y/n's cheek.

" Akuma said as he poked y/n's cheek

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"Ooo squishy."

Inside y/n's head
'There were flames everywhere. The small village I once knew became a graveyard for many people. I remember the smell of burning corpses of children and adults. The desperate pleads of help from the villagers that scar me till this day.'

Y/n sighed.
"This is all your fault." A voice said.

"Huh." She turned to face a younger version of herself.

"If you weren't so weak you could've saved all of them. Father, Mother, and older brother didn't need to die! Your a disgrace you couldn't save your family you couldn't save Kizari and Haku. What's next Gaara... Naruto?

Flashbacks of Y/n's parents corpses flashed through her mind. Her mother and father's necks were slashed and her brother had a kunai pierced in his heart.

"S-shut up!" She screams.

Outside of Y/n's head
Akuma whistled as he hid the corpse of a candidate that attempted to hurt y/n.
"I just killed a random person do do~"

Akuma heard screams the teammates of the candidates body he killed. They scream in fright at the sight of him.
Akuma sighs.
"Looks like I have to make more people disappear."
Akuma hid the limp bodies of the candidates in a ditch.

He then went back towards the cave to check on y/n.
He crouched and poked her with a stick.
"Are you dead?" She gave no answer.

"I'll take that as a maybe. Hm what's that?" Akuma noticed a marking on y/n's neck.

"I've never seen that before and I know what most of your body looks like."
Akuma grazed the marking only to feel a sharp shock. "Ouch."
Y/n squirmed from the pain.
"Sorry..." He patted her head.

Back inside y/n's head
Y/n watched as her younger self cried.
"If I had the power they wouldn't be dead! Nobody would be dead!" Y/n stared emotionless at her younger self.

" let them be killed. You watched as your family and friends were slaughtered! You did nothing to stop it! If only you had power...

Back outside y/n's head
It's the last day of the second part of the exams. Akuma watched over y/n at night then retreated to her mind during the day. P/n tried her best to wake her up ,but nothing seems to be working.

'Come on y/n! Wake up! It's the last day! We have the scrolls all that is left is for you to wake up!'

P/n sighs.
'Wait no y/n's health is more important than some stupid exams! All I can hope for is that she wakes up.'

Back inside y/n's head for the last time
"It's time to wake up y/n dear. I hope by now you have an idea of what I want. I can give you so much." Orochimaru's voice echoes.

"Now wake up and finish the exams."

Y/n jolts awake startling p/n.
The sun beamed down at them.
'The sun.. what day is it?' She turns to p/n who glomps her with hugs and kisses. Smiling she pets her.
"I missed you too p/n."
Y/n stays silent before shakily standing up.
"What day is it?" Y/n asks.
P/n writes 5 tally marks on the ground.
"It's the fifth day already?! Crap that doesn't leave us much time we have to get to the tower immediately."

P/n nods in agreement they both take off to the center of the forest.

A giant tower came in view.
"There it is. We have to be careful there may be traps laying ahead -wait I can teleport I'm stupid." Y/n grabs p/n and teleports to the doors of the tower.

"Alright let's head inside."

Upon opening the doors she is met with a riddle.
"Aw a riddle couldn't they just have told me straight on. Ugh whatever... alright looks like it's time to open the scrolls stand back p/n." Y/n opens the scrolls and throws them in the air.

A puff of smoke erupts and reveals Iruka?!

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