Chapter 6

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John sat down at table looked at me and said "your looking gorgeous tonight Emma" I gave a small smile and replied "thank you". He then asked Jodie if she has filled me in about about our agreement and about tonight she replied "no I only filled her in a little I said you would do it after your business call" he gave out a little laugh and said "ok".

Before he could get anymore words out the waiter arrived and asked if we where ready to order damn he had great timing.

As we tucked in to our starters John looked over to me and said "there's no easy way to put this so am just going to come straight out with it ok".

"Me and Jodie enjoy you and have fallen for you and in big way and would like to make you a permanent part of our life's how do you feel about that". "Apart of your life's in what way I don't understand what your asking of me". "Well we no longer want to live as a couple we would like it if you joined our relationship and joined us on every part of our life's.

Like you move in with us you would have your own space but you would be living with us in our penthouse". "Sorry but I have my own place which I enjoy and I hardly know you guys no offence but I don't want to give up my own place am happy to help you guys spice up the bedroom.

But in all honesty I don't want to give up my own place" he said "can we at least discuss this matter that maybe you only stay over at ours on the weekend". I replied "I would happily think on that one" then he said "there's a job for you within our company that includes a company car". I said "this all sounds amazing but am happy within my job and my car is fine thanks".

In my head it seemed like this was all very controlling what had I got myself in to yes they where a very hot sexy couple yes they made me feel like I was longing for more of them but to give up my home and place of work cause they asked me to this was all to much I felt they where trying to rule me in a way am all for being masterful in the bedroom but to use that to try take over my life was a definite no.

Then he went on to explain everything within our relationship would involve all three parties so I was not allowed to pleasure Jodie when he was not around as everything we done was to be for his eyes only. And in no way was me and John to have sex while Jodie was out.

I was feeling what is this what's going on my head was fit to burst. Then came the part that I just had to laugh slightly about him and Jodie could have a sexual relationship without any involvement from me in a way I understood but in some ways I felt it was totally unfair.

Then he came out with the strangest part of all I was not allowed a boyfriend or to take any guy home from the clubs for any sexual encounter.

I felt my stomach tie in knots what he was saying was making me feel sick and putting me off my meal I felt I had to get out of the restaurant but I couldn't leave during our meal and Jodie was being so nice she rubbed my leg under the table that made me feel so at ease.

My head was spinning with everything that John had said I finished the main and before the desserts came I went to the ladies room I needed space and time to think.

I went for a pee and as I was washing my hands I looked at the reflection in the mirror Jodie was standing behind me she said "I had to follow you as you looked upset". I smiled and said "no everything is fine honestly it's a lot to take in what you both have on offer and I just don't know my feelings are all over the place".

We went back out to join John at the table he smiled and asked if everything was ok Jodie explained I needed time to think things over not to expect me to reply tonight he smiled and said he was ok with that we finished up at the restaurant and there was a taxi waiting for us outside we all climbed in and John gave his address I said "no I want to go to go home" he looked shocked and surprised. As the taxi pulled in to my street I said "thanks for a wonderful evening and got out the taxi" and went straight in to my apartment.

I went for a shower his words where repeating in my head over and over I dried off then drifted off to sleep.

The following morning.......

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