Chapter 7

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The following morning I woke to the sound of my alarm I reached over to turn it off. Then noticed I had all theses notifications my eyes where not focused so I didn't bother to read them I jumped in shower got ready then left for work.

My head was still spinning from last night I really didn't know what to say or do I decided I would focus on work and deal with my personal life later.

Work was so busy I never got a moment to myself that day. Then suddenly my office phone started ringing it was April "hi just to let you know that's your lunch been delivered I will head up to your office now with it ok" "thanks April".

I was thinking my lunch I didn't order anything for lunch I didn't even have time today. My door knocked it was April "here's your lunch I will leave it here on your desk". I replied "thank you" then she left.

I opened the box on my desk there was a little note inside saying hope everything is ok just a little lunch hopefully we hear from you soon signed JJ.

Even at work I couldn't get away from them or my thoughts or feelings I had for them I decided to eat the lunch that had been sent for me then look as my phone holy hell it was full of messages and missed calls from Jodie and John both I decided I would text Jodie thanking them both for lunch and said I will pop over to there house tonight after work as we had a lot to discuss.

The rest of the day went by in a blur I regretted saying I would go to there's after work as I had not made my mind up on how I wanted to take there other or even if I wanted to be involved all together maybe I should text Jodie back saying I can't make it tonight come up with some excuse and hopefully she would understand.

Driving home from work as I reached my front door there was a bunch of flowers laying on doorstep with a little note I carried the flowers in to my apartment. Then decided to read note it said I hope you will have the answers for us tonight love from JJ with a ps hope it's a yes.

They where not going to make this offer an easy one to refuse but I really was not ready to give them the answers tonight I really needed more time to think about it.

So I decided to call Jodie and cancel plans for me going over to there bit tonight I really just wanted to have shower and chill out on the sofa watching a movie.

As I got out the shower my door started to knock I answered it and to my surprise it was Jodie and John holding some pizzas they asked if it was ok they came in to chill and watch movie with me as they had pizza and wine I gave a small smile and invited them in.

It was great we where drinking wine and eating pizza the night was so perfect and after the movie ended John said "can we talk" I said "of course" he asked if he had done something to upset me in anyway since last night as he felt I was being a bit distant.

Now was my time to be truthful I thought in my head so I took a deep breath and said "well I was great about the other night it was very exciting and turning on for me you both made me feel amazing and I would be more than happy to replay that night again anytime. But last night I felt you where being very controlling and demanding with what you expected from me" John gave out a laugh and apologised for making me feel that way as that's the last thing he wanted for me.

And then to offer me to move in and give up my job that was just moving to fast for me and I really don't know how I feel about that as I said am happy to repeat the other night but feel I really need time to think and process what else is on offer from you both he smiled and said they where both fine with my decision for now.

Jodie moved closer to me...

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