Surviving the cut: Hurry up y/n!

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"Iruka? What were you doing in the scroll?" Y/n asked.

"I was- oh my goodness what happened to you?!" Iruka rushes over to her side.

"I'm fine Iruka." She brushes him off.

"You are not okay I need get you to the hospital immediately!" Iruka attempts to grab y/n but she swats his hand away.

"I said I'm fine."

"But y/n-." Iruka gets cut off.

"I understand your worry Iruka but it's nothing I can't handle. Now please tell me did I make it in time?" Y/n said.

"Well yes.. you made it in time congratulations. Your also the last team to arrive. What held you up?" Iruka asked.

"Oh well... the exams was harder than I thought?" She grins.

Iruka smiles and ruffles her head.
"I'm just glad your okay. You better hurry along the 3rd part of the exams are about to begin."

"Already...give me a break. Well I'm off then see ya." Y/n waves and disappears.

'Please be careful.'

Y/n stood in front of two giant red doors.
'I'm kinda getting dizzy and I have a headache. I'm probably in no condition to fight ,but I'm stronger than this I know I am. I just have to power through.'

"Let's go p/n." Y/n opens the door and finds every one staring at her.

"What are y'all staring at?" Y/n asks.

"Y/n!! You made it!" Naruto cheers.

'There are only 7 teams left add me in and that's 22 people.'

Whispers roused up the air.
"She doesn't look so good..."
"Should she continue the exams?"
"What happened to her?"

Y/n took a look at herself in the reflection of a kunai.
'Damn.. I look like shit.'

Y/n lines herself besides Ino and her team.
"Y/n you made it!" Ino squeals.
'I don't have the patience to deal with Ino today.'

"Alright congratulations on finishing the second test." Anko said.

'This headache seems to be getting worse especially since I entered this room. Something doesn't feel right.'

As Anko continued talking y/n couldn't focus to what she was saying. There was aching pain coming from her neck and seal. She started sweating which Ino took notice of.

"Are you okay ,y/n?" Ino asked.

"Just fine." She replied.

"It's now time to explain the third part of the exams." The hokage said.

'It's getting harder to hear..'

'Akuma what happened while I was out?'

"Oh nothing really just you sleeping hehe."

'Why do I feel that your lying.'

"L/n!" A voice called out.

"Yes?" Y/n turned to see a man that looked to be in poor health.

"Are you okay to go on with the exams?" The man coughs.

"Yes I'm fine." Y/n replied.
'But by the looks of it you don't look well enough to be here.'

"Alright everyone it's nice to meet you. *cough cough* I am Hayate Gekko your proctor."

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