I'm Angry Pirate Dude

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Clint's POV
"Ok, who do we induce to him?" I asked. Probably not the smartest thing to ask, considering I just gave away we worked at SI.

"I don't know, why don't we ask the kid?" Nat said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and looked at my phone again.



That's so cool!

Have you guys met Tony Stark?

He is my favorite!

He saved my life once it was so cool!

Kim Possibly
Woah, kid slow down.

No we haven't met Tony Stark.

We don't work in the same division as him.

Why did you call him Tony Stark?

Because i looked up to him before Iron Man was a thing.....

Kim Possibly
Uhhhh. I looked up in the chat to see if I missed something and...

You were saved by Tony Stark?


Also just looked up.....

Why isn't Hawkeye your favorite?

He is one of my favorites!

(Also thanks for the change in subject)

Top 5 favorite avengers. Go!

Kim Possibly
Stop! Helping! Him! Avoid! The! Question!

Tony Stark
Bruce Banner
Black Widow

Idk. I've never really thought about the 5th favorite.


Kim Possibly
Answer. The. Question.

Super sorry guys I got to go!



"Tony it is then." I said with a smirk. Nat rolled her eyes.

Tony's POV
I walked into the living room to see the two "hardcore" spies looking at their phones again.

Something was up.

Nat was smiling more often, and Clint... well. I guess Clint hadn't really changed much.

But right now Nat looked a bit concerned and Clint looked like a lost puppy.

Both their phones went off and and Nat seemed to type something at the speed of light. Two more dings came from each of their phones.

"Tony it is then." Clint said, a smirk on his face.

"Tony is what then?" I asked.

"Uhhhhh." Clint looked at Natasha with desperate eyes.

"A Tin Can." Nat replied smoothly. Although her back was turned to me I could tell she was smirking.

"Yeah. Whatever. If you don't tell me soon though, I'm having Friday take a look." I scoffed, then went back to my workshop down a few floors.

(Timeeeeeee Skip)

Nat's POV
I wasn't expecting a visit from Fury. I guess no one else did either, because when Friday announced "Angry Pirate Dude" was going to be landing on the roof in five minutes, Clint and Scott (who was visiting for the weekend) quickly picked up the discarded, left over pizza on the coffee table.

The others also cleaned up various things in the house. I had never seen the boys clean so quickly— and without procrastination. Everyone but Bruce and me was hurrying to clean the tower.

By the time Fury actually made it down to the lounge a lot of trash had been thrown under the couch in a desperate attempt to not look like slobs.

"What do you need Director?" Steve asked, as Fury surveyed the room.

"Natasha. Clint. And I guess Tony. Meeting room. Now." He said turning to walk out the room.

"What about the rest of us?" Scott asked looking up from my book. He had grabbed it in an attempt to look mature and was holding it upside down.

"I only need them for now." He answered. He walked out and we followed him.

We entered the room and he walked to the head of the table, looking out over the city for a moment. As if he was looking for something.

Or someone.

"So, I need to ask you something." He said turning to face us.

"What do you think about the vigilante, Spider-Man?"

So cruel of me to put another cliffhanger.

Why yes, that is the only reason why this is a short chapter and I will be working on the next one right after this.

But first, I have to ask you something.

How are you guys liking the story so far?

I'd love to hear what you think.

Sincerely, The Author.

(P.S Sorry for the author notes I know they can be annoying and you don't have to read them but I like to talk to people, and you are my people. We are the Fandom. Bye! :D)

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