Fast, werid and... donuts?

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(Time has skipped forward. Last chapter it was around 4 AM Tuesday morning. It's Saturday now.)

Peter's POV
"Peter! Wake up! You're going to be late!" May called from the kitchen. I groaned a picked up my phone, which was on a buzzfeed tap tilted 'Which Avenger are You?'. I check the time, 8 AM on a Saturday?

"May. It's a Saturday!" I groaned letting my head fall back on the pillow. She knew I had spent the night Spider-Manning.

"Does the word internship ring the bell?" She asked. I shot up. This was my first day! May had told me it was okay to not go after my run in with Iron Man as Spider-Man but I insisted. Plus it would be suspicious if I quit before I started.

I quickly did my morning routine and I had enough to sit and have breakfast with May.

"So what does that paper say again?" May questioned trying to peer at the paper I had next to me.

"It says I'm supposed to meet someone named..." I looked down at the paper, "Happy? He's supposed to pick me up from a near by restaurant. I guess someone there wants takeout?"

"Happy? That can't be his name!" May exclaimed. I handed her the paper and she took a look before laughing. "Guess someone's parents were optimistic!"

"I wonder if he'll actually be happy." I chuckled. I finished up and said goodbye before heading out the door. Just then my phone went off. I picked it up. An unknown number?



Who is this?



Is your name Peter?

Do I know you?


Please excuse my brother. We didn't mean to disturb you. We were just curious as to who t he others were texting.



Do you mean Kim Possibly and Merida and FeFe? Also Mr. Science and Knives.


He gave them nicknames!

Can we keep him?

Brother no!

Brother yes!




Yes!!! Except I think my aunt would have a bit of a problem with that.

You live with your aunt?

My parents died when I was young.

Sorry for your loss.

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