"Are you Ned?"

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Nat's POV
The kid had A-walled us for awhile. I was honestly a little sad that he hadn't texted us. But as soon as I had that thought my phone went off with a text from Peter.


Hey MJ.

Peter's asleep.

Want a picture?

Kim Possibly
Who are you?

Why do you have Peter's phone?

Who is MJ?

What the heck.

Who are you guys?!

Um. People.

We are people.

Kim Possibly
Are you Ned?

Peter accidentally texted me trying to get a hold of you.

He did say he got the wrong number I guess.

Yes I am Ned.

Hey Ted.

Hello Peter's best friend!

Peter (Ned)
Give me a minute.

*New Chat Called Must Protect Peter (At All Costs)*

Kim Possibly
I agree with that.

Listen up losers.

You guys so much as hurt his feelings and you're dead.

Who is the scary person?

I'm MJ.

And knowing Peter's luck I probably just threaten the Avengers.

I don't care though because I will go to that tower and kick the butts of every single one of you guys.

Kim Possibly
I like her.

Of course you do.

MJ clam down.

Btw this is Ned.

(FeFe changed ?'s name to Ted)

Yep I can see why he continues to talk with you guys.

That and he is an idiot cinnamon roll.

If you tell him I called him that you're dead.

Kim Possibly
I'm adopting you.

(Kim Possibly changed ??'s name to My Daughter)

My Daughter
Aww. Thank you.

Are You A Spy? - A Wrong Number Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now