Chapter 6

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The clouds at the sky collide together, the white color of the clouds soon turned into gray. Inside this gloomy cloud, droplets were formed. Water condense onto another. The liquid was too heavy for the clouds then it started drizzling. A small thunder sound up from the sky that you can hear it slightly.

The rain hits on the ground making the road/soil wet. As it was raining the zombies in the city didn't care. They continue to walk trying to find a human being to bit and eat.

Somewhere in the city was a man running away from various zombies. Trying to find a way to hide but couldn't because they kept following him and was close to him. All the boarders around Seoul was closed preventing from any creature from entering.

'Fuck!' He thought. He ran faster although he's wasting his oxygen. But he wanted to survive. He wished he had someone with. But he left someone behind. Running through the alleyway, he looked behind him and saw the zombies chasing after him but a little farther.

Not until someone grabbed from the corner. He was taken aback but the women shush him. The zombies that was after him didn't notice he was gone, they continue to chase him as if he was still there. They both heard the furious growling and snarling from the monstrous creatures pass by them.

They both signed in relief. The man sighed happily knowing that he wasn't going to be eating alive. He then look at the women who saved him. She was a bit shorter than him, her hair was black. She had a amour to cover herself around the arms and legs. The raven haired look at the man through her sunglasses.

She nodded at him and was about to leave. But he stopped her.

"Wait!" The women turned around to face him.

"Thank you for saving me"

"Your welcome sir" she said in a light tone.

"You don't mind if I tag along with you?" He asked. The women motion her arm telling him to follow her. Walking through this abandoned city. He couldn't help but ask her a question.

"What's your name? Who are you?"

The raven haired stopped her track looked behind her with lifting her sunglasses down and smirked.

Back to the cabin/house

Lisa was flipping through the pages of her comic book. She looked up from her book and saw Chaeyoung eating one of her snacks while listening music from her headphone with eyes closed. She rolled her eyes regretting her decision. Yes she don't like to share her snacks to anyone.

"Can you stop eating every snacks I have!" She growled. Unfortunately her best friend couldn't hear her. She went to her and ripped the headphone off her.

"Ay what gives?" Chaeyoung said annoyed.

"Stopping eating all of my snacks!"

"Nuh uh, you said I can have all your snacks" Chaeyoung reminded Lisa

"Yea but not all of it. Look there's barely any left!" Lisa was a little piss. She was saving those snacks for something.

"Ugh! It's so boring to be with you! I wish I can go back with Jisoo" she pouted. Lisa couldn't help but chuckled and slap her two chipmunk cheeks.

"Too bad. You're gonna stay with me for awhile"


Jisoo was at Lisa's door and heard all of this commotion. She opened the door revealing the two bickering. She leaned against the door frame with arms crossed and a tight smile.

"Y'all gonna stop?" Which stopped the blondes from bickering.

"Jichu! Come here!" Chaeyoung whined while extending her arms out making a grabby gesture.

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