Chapter 1

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Third person

A zombie has escape from the laboratory. The zombie wonder around the streets. Groaning whiling limping. Eventually the zombie made its way to the city.

It came across to an alleyway and went through it. While walking through, it saw people walking through the streets.

Growling at the sight, hastily walking out of the alley. It ran and attack someone, biting hard on the neck.

The man screamed in pain. It caught people's attention and once they saw the horrifying scene they froze and no one moved. The zombie's teeth were still on the man's neck, blood trailed down his skin. Eventually the zombie let go of the man and pushed him away causing him to fall on the ground.

The zombie ran to another man in front. The man tried to push the zombie off but it bit his arm. He cried out and the zombie let go of his arm and stood still.

Then started running again and that made people in the street start running and screaming. And to the two man who were bitten they slowly turned into zombies too.

           That's when disaster happened.

Lisa POV

Screams and explosions is all I can hear. I'm running away from zombies. I see a lot of people running around and screaming for help. People pushing other and looking back to see if they're being chased. As I'm running trying to get out the crowd I saw a women crying for help. A zombie coming towards her as she sobs.

I look around to find a weapon as people scattered away. I found a bat on the floor and picked it up. I ran to the zombie and swung the bat to its head. Blood splattered every where I continue hitting the zombie.

I went to the women who was quietly sobbing. I gentle shook her shoulder. She slowly looked up as tears pool down her face.

"'s over now." I said gently.

"Thank you...." she said quietly. I nod. I was shock as she hug me tight saying thank you over and over again. I hug her for a brief seconds. We pulled away and I asked

"Are you alone?" She shook her head.

"No, I have a family but they ran off leaving me behind." She continue

"I was distracted and didn't even know that my family left. I was dumbfounded when people were running."

I was about to speak when we heard noises coming from the alleyway. A zombie came out of the alleyway and quietly walk. I quickly grabbed the women and carry her in bridal style. I ran as fast as I can. We made it out and found people still running everywhere.

"Look!" She said pointing at something. My eyes followed where she pointed we saw a men with two kids. I ran to the family and gentle place her on the ground. She ran to her family and hugged them tightly. Tears pooling in the corner of their eyes.

"You guys should get out of here. Run and find a safe place." I interrupted them. They look at me and nodded. The said thank you for the last time and ran oof with her family.

I felt my phone vibrate and grabbed my phone. I look at the screen and saw a lot of text messages from Rosé and the other from the news. I clicked on the news one and said "Breaking news!" I didn't waste my time on reading. I just scanned. I got off the news app and went to message.

Where the hell are you?!??
dude I'm scared
Are u dead?!
No I'm not dead
I helped a women
Bitch there's no time to be a hero
Come back home!!
I'll be there in 10

I didn't wait for her to respond. I quickly walked away and bumped into some people. I got my way out of the crowd. I went to a street, I look at the place and saw blood scattered around. My eyes widened when I saw people on the ground slowly get up. I quickly left and ran.

I didn't know where I was going. Then I ran to a street left abandoned. Smoke were up on the sky and ground. Fires were on top of a building. I cough a bit as I walked down the streets. All I saw are blood marks.

I slowly walked to a wall to see hand marks with blood. Then suddenly a small growl came from the dark shadow. A zombie appeared slowly. I guess there's only one zombie. I didn't hear anything else. I smirk and look around to find something to hit it. Then I found a gun lying down on the road. I quickly grabbed the gun and pulled the trigger and bam!

The bullet shoot through the chest but continue walking. Damn I said in my mind. I pointed the gun on the head of the zombie I pulled the trigger. The bullet shoot through the head making some of the flesh fall apart. I chuckled slightly. I was about to approach the dead corpse when I heard a hiss sound coming from the a dark shadow where the previous zombie was.

I backed away from the zombie. Then a couple of zombie came out of the shadow making some groaning noise. I tried to shoot the zombie but there weren't any bullet left. I threw the gun away and ran. Not until I found a baseball bat.

I know I should be run and leave this place but come on I want to have fun. I ran back to the zombies and hit em right in the head. Blood scattered on the road. Sweats ran down behind my neck. Finally I ran away with the bat.

I continue running finding a way out not until I heard sobs. "Not again" I mumbled while rolling my eyes. How many damn people are going to stay in this city where there's fucking zombies everywhere.

I followed where the sob was coming from. Until I came across to an alleyway. I went in the alleyway. Saw a brunette woman crying, hugging her knees while her head is down.

I slowly approach the brunette. But she seem familiar just by looking at her. Until realization hit me. My eyes widened. What's she doing here alone?

ThIs SeEms FaMiLiAr.

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