Tubbo // Losing L'manberg

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I was sitting in the stands, shocked. Tommy was gone, Wilbur was gone. They were going to get killed. I needed to save them... but I was scared. Quackity and George looked down at me from the stage with strong glares. I was terrified to say the least. Then I heard something, "Where's Tubbo?"

I looked at the mic pole. Schlatt was staring down at me. He asked where I was, I needed to reply. I stood up and waved my arms, "I'm right here!"

"Get up here. Get up here on my podium." he yelled, smiling.

I nodded, "I'm on my way."

I tried to get past the crowd of chairs but I kept tripping into people. I heard Fundy whisper, "I don't think he wants the job."

Schlatt wanted to hire me. I shook my head, violently, and hurried forward, "I do want the job! I'm on my way, I'm on my way!!"

I got to the stage and stood next to Schlatt. He put his hand on my shoulder, "Hey, Tubbo! Take my spot on the podium!"

I stood in front of the mic, looking down at the citizens. They all had wide eyes and ripped clothes from fighting. Schlatt smiled, "I love this guy! Ohhhh, my very own Tubbo. Tubbo, you, as my secretary of state, as my right-hand man! I need you to do something for me, Tubbo."

"What, Mr. President?" I asked. I might as well call him my President... Wilbur was gone, this was a new era.

Schlatt had a dangerous look on his face. He looked into the sky and took a deep breath. Then he stared at me, "I need you to find Tommy... and I need you to show him the door. Rumor has it, he's somewhere around here. Perhaps on top of a building? Maybe."

He looked at the tower, breaking into the clouds above. I looked up and saw Tommy's fluffy hair blowing in the wind and Wilbur's hat falling down from the tower, floating into the grass. They disappeared in a snap. Schlatt laughed, "After them! I want them outta here!"

I had no other choice. It wasn't like I was against the new L'manberg but Tommy and Wilbur shouldn't be hurt, they're good people. I followed the crowd of people, all of them were yelling and punching the air. I was getting pushed into the dirt. I tried to protect my colonial uniform by grabbing other people's coats and hiding under them. My hat flew away, into the wind. I rushed to grab it but it was too far gone. There goes the old L'manberg.

I saw the Dream Team and most of the people that left to go to Skeppy's War. I guess they all came back. But Dream was still gone, he was nowhere to be seen. If we needed something at that moment, it would be Dream. He could fix this.

I saw Tommy running away, "Tommy, I'm gonna need you to come with me."

"Tubbo..." I heard him whisper.

I tried to get to him but he was gone. I kept following the crowd, but I broke from it when they started climbing the tower. I knew where Wilbur and Tommy would go, they would leave. They would leave forever. I saw a uniform walking around without a body, then the uniform disappeared. They took invisible potions and they were leaving. I watched the footsteps in the grass go into the woods. They were gone.

I walked back to Schlatt and sat down on the edge of the stage. He sat next to me and put his arm over my shoulder, "This place will be a lot different soon. You better go and say goodbye."

I nodded and left him. The group was searching for the whole day and the sun was setting over the mountains. I walked into L'manberg and looked around. Where's it gone? Look, this is where, at the start of the war, Tommy went out and Sapnap got him and he just closed the door." I said, walking to the front door of the RV.

I walked into the trailer, "We stood around this table during the revolution when things looked the most dire and Wilbur asked me what supplies I had and I said I had nothing. Tommy had nothing. Wilbur had nothing. We all had nothing."

I started tearing up, walking around, "We then walked outside and we met them at the gate here... where they blew up the TNT right at the gate. We ran back to the lake, and then we went down Tommy's contraption and met in the Final Room."

I sat down at the edge of the lake, wiping a tear off my cheek, "I miss them."

I've never spent more than a few hours without Tommy. It was hard to think that I might never see him again. I stared into the lake, watching the salmon swim around, playfully. If only they knew what was to come.

Schlatt was going to make another speech the next day, so I wrapped up my thoughts and left L'manberg. I fell asleep in my house and imagined that this was all fake.

I woke up the next morning and rushed outside. Schlatt was making a speech. I ran to the side wall of L'manberg. Schlatt was already standing on the stage so I walked up to him. He stuck his hand out to help me up the steps, "Welcome back, Tubbo."

"Thanks." I replied, quietly.

People started gathering in the seats below, all of them were whispering excitedly. Schlatt waited for all the seats to be full... besides two of them. Then he stepped up to the mic and held it firmly in his grip, "The new name of this nation is Manberg. We don't need any stupid Ls in our name, this is a civilized area now. The sun rises over another beautiful day in our country. The sun rises on another chapter... the next page of the textbook that children will be reading until the end of time. I reckon our nation needs to expand! I reckon... we take down the walls."

I felt the air in my lungs get sucked out. I stood there, shell-shocked. Taking the L out of L'manberg. And the walls... the walls that Wilbur had built to keep us all safe. Niki was looking at the ground, kicking a piece of dirt. She was whispering to herself.

Schlatt laughed and continued, his voice echoing through the landscape,  "ALL CITIZENS OF MANBERG ARE REQUIRED TO HELP TEAR DOWN THE WALLS OF THIS COUNTRY!! Thus ends the second presidential speech. Let's get to work."

Fundy stood up and yelled, "WOO!!"

Then everyone else, besides Niki, ran up to the weapon racks and grabbed pickaxes. They ran into L'manberg, or should I say Manberg, and climbed up onto the walls. I watched the walls slowly decay. I felt like everything was moving in slow-motion. I hadn't moved since Schlatt told us to tear the walls down. Niki didn't either, she was still sitting in her seat. She suddenly stood up and sprinted to the docks. I was going to follow her but Schlatt stopped me, "Aren't you going to help, Tubbo?"

"No, I don't think so. I might as well stroll around for a bit." I said, softly.

Schlatt nodded, "Ok, see you later."

"Bye, mate." I responded, walking down the stairs and stepping into the grass.

The walls slowly disappeared from Manberg. Fundy did most of the work, tearing down brick by brick. I was surprised by that, Wilbur built the walls to protect him. I could faintly hear someone singing from the hills. The voice sounded like Wilbur. I heard the words, "I heard there was a special place, where men could go and emancipate--"

Those words were the beginning to the L'manberg national anthem. The voice came back and I started singing along, saluting into the sky, "The brutality, and the tyranny of their ruler. Well this place is real, you needn't fret. With Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, fuck Eret. It's a very big and not blown-up L'manberg."

I started tearing up as I sang the last lyrics, "My L'manberg... My L'manberg... My L'manberg... My L'manberg."


I finished the song and walked away, wiping a tear off my cheek. My L'manberg was doomed.

The next day was scary, there was no sight of Wilbur or Tommy and there were troops in the woods, searching for the refugees. Schlatt was always around me, asking me to do things for him. I didn't show him the tunnel, of course, he would take it the minute he sees it. I always kept an eye out for Niki because she was the only good one left and we needed to protect each other.

Niki seemed to not look at me anymore, I didn't know why. Did she think I'm part of the bad side? I tried to talk to Niki but she gave me a glare and stalked away.

Jschlatt gave me a black suit. It was the exact same suit that he always wore. He told me to wear it and never take it off, so I did. No one looked at me the same after that. I was changing, but I didn't know how. Schlatt was telling me things and teaching me things. Sometimes I forgot that Wilbur and Tommy were gone. That's rude to say but it's true.

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