Tommy Innit // Insanity

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So... right after Eret left, I got a message that Niki was in trouble. Sapnap apparently captured her because he wanted to bribe Wilbur and I to come out of hiding. Wilbur couldn't stand it, he wanted to save her. I didn't let him. He needed to watch the base. I got Technoblade and hurried out of Pogtopia.

We silently ran through the woods and to the side of the ocean, to the place that Sapnap was supposedly holding Niki. The sound of waves crashing on the shore led me to the spot. Techno was suddenly not by my side, but I wouldn't let that scare me.

Sapnap was standing by the water. Niki was sitting at a cliff, leaning against it. She wasn't awake. I turned the corner and shouted, "Sapnap!"

He twirled on his heals and smirked. His dark hair was covering part of his bandanna, "Welcome to the sea, Tommy Innit."

I clenched my jaw, "What did you do to Niki?"

"She's fine... she was tired." he responded, looking at her.

"What do you want from me, Sapnap?"

"I want you dead." Sapnap stated.

I held my breath, "Let Niki go."


There's only one thing Sapnap cares about, and that's his fish 'Mars.' Before Schlatt's speech, I stole Mars from the Community House. I was holding him hostage at Pogtopia, in a little pond in the wall. I knew what I needed to do, "I'm gonna kill your fish unless you let Niki go... alright?"

"Really." Sapnap said with sarcasm, rolling his eyes.

"I've got the upper hand here." I replied, clearly.

Sapnap kicked a rock into the waves and looked at me with patronizing eyes, "You've got more things that you don't want to lose."

I bit my chapped lip and stood tall. I saw a bright gold shine from the top of the hill. I quickly glanced up and saw Techno leaning over the side. I looked back at Sapnap and said, loudly, "But you don't have any of those things... and I hate to say it to you... but there's one thing I have that you'll never ever have... I have The Blade."

Techno jumped down from the hill. He looked like he was flying. He whipped out a sword and sliced Sapnap's arm, "Did someone say rebellion?"

Sapnap held it and yelled in pain, "YOU'RE A MANIAC!"

He sprinted away. Techno and I carried Niki back to Pogtopia. She woke up and freaked out. I spent a few minutes calming her down, but she insisted that she goes back to Manberg for a 'speech.' She told me that I should probably watch from afar.

When she left, I rushed down into the ravine and yelled from one of the paths, "Wilbur! Schlatt's making another speech!"

"Should we go?" he yelled back.

"Yeah!" I replied, holding onto the brown rope surrounding the swaying bridge.

Wilbur threw some stuff into a chest and looked up at me, "Let's see the next horrible thing!"

I chuckled, "Mhm."

I suddenly fell weak and collapsed into the rope. I was close to falling off the bridge. I grasped the rope and started breathing heavily. Wilbur gasped, "Tommy! Are you ok!?"

I slowly nodded and tried to regain balance, "Um... I-- no."

"Tommy, sit down, I'll get up there!" Wilbur yelled, running out of sight.

He made his way onto the bridge. He helped me get on my feet and he carried me down into the ravine. On the way down, a thought popped up in my head. I looked at Wilbur with wandering eyes, "There's a reason I gave up my disks, Wilbur."


Wilbur and I spent the rest of the day traveling back to Manberg. We hid in a tree, waiting for Schlatt to show up. People gathered in the stands below, most of them looked excited. I spotted Niki and Eret in the crowd. Eret looked broken. Niki was looking around the woods, probably looking for Wilbur and I.

Schlatt walked onto the stage a few minutes later. The speech wasn't too important, he just talked about creating a 'safe place' and new places/areas in Manberg. I was rolling my eyes most of the time. If he wanted a 'safe' environment, then he wouldn't have kicked me out.

Wilbur had a weird expression on his face the whole time, and it was freaking me out. Schlatt ended the speech and everyone clapped. We waited until the area was empty, then we jumped down from the tree branches and hurried back to Pogtopia. On the way there, Wilbur jumped in front of me and stared for a second. I stepped back, "Hello? Everything ok?"

"That speech... this is a good idea, it doesn't seem like a bad-- like this doesn't seem evil. You know? Schlatt seems nice and this seems like a friendly thing that Schlatt's doing." Wilbur ranted, getting closer to me. I kept stepping back.

Wilbur kept talking, "Tommy are we the bad guys? Because we kind of made ourselves the leaders... we had a vote, and he won, and, now... we're trying to overthrow him. It feels like we're the bad guys, Tommy. This doesn't feel correct. Tommy, am I the villain in your history? Tommy, am I a villain?"

I was pressed against a tree. I shook my head, frantically, "No- I don't think you are."

Something flickered behind Wilbur's eyes, "Then let's be the bad guys."

I felt my face get red. I tried to disagree, but Wilbur just kept getting closer and he was talking louder, "Why not? Tommy, why not? Look, our nation's gone. Our nation's far behind us, Tommy. If we can't have Manberg, NO ONE! NO ONE CAN HAVE IT!! Let's blow that motherfucker to smithereens. This is a new era! We BURN the place to the fucking ground!!"

I tried to talk but only stutters came out. I finally managed to speak, "Wilbur, it's not too far gone, alright? It's not too far gone. You keep talking about it like--"

"What's the point? More blood will be shed and we would be the illegitimate rulers of a nation."

"You're being reckless, Wilbur. The reason we made L'manberg in the first place was to get away from the government. We needed L'manberg... and if there isn't L'manberg, what's the point in the whole SMP?"

Wilbur laughed and looked at me like I was a little kid, "I know... I see it in your eyes, I see it. I can hear it in your voice. I know why you're doing this, Tommy. You're scared. Tommy Innit, you're scared that people are gonna think differently of you. Tommy when I said you're never going to be president, you gotta understand that that wasn't a challenge. That's true. You're never gonna be president, Tommy. You're trying to sound like you know what you're doing so that you can prove me wrong. Tommy, none of us know what we're doing, we're fucked, we were fucked the minute we were thrown out. I know you're scared, Tommy, I understand that you're scared. And it's scary! It's scary, Tommy, but do you know what? You know what? In a time like this, when a man has nothing to lose, do you know what that means? We can do what we want. We blow up the entire fucking place to kingdom comes. I want no survivors! God help whoever's caught in the fucking crossfire. Schlatt knows, he knows, he's a smart man, he knows that if we fight him... we've lost."

I covered my ears, "No, no, no."

Wilbur's voice echoed in my head, "Everyone who's claiming to be on our side, they're lying to us! That guy 'Tubbo', we love Tubbo. But he's not on our side, is he? Let's be honest. Tubbo, he's lying to you, man, he would drop us at the second he realizes we're not in the lead anymore--"

I couldn't stand it. I slapped Wilbur across the face, "STOP IT!!"

Wilbur slowly turned back to me. He was wearing a crazy smile on his face. His eyes were twitching. I lost my breath and ran away. Wilbur lost it, he was long gone. I was confused and scared and alone.

I walked back to Pogtopia at sunset. Wilbur was outside, chopping logs. I silently passed him and walked down into the ravine. I didn't want to talk to him after... well after that conversation. I strolled around the ravine, lighting lanterns. I wanted to get out of there. I wanted to talk to Tubbo.

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