Part 2

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You wake up, waiting for the darkness to surround you. Your hand runs along fabric that you didn't remember touching, as you opened your eyes.

To sunlight and brightness and birds chirping outside, as you sat up discovering that you in fact were in your bed and back in your house.

"That was such a vivid nightmare." You said, as you got up from your bed to make yourself a cup of coffee to wash the memory of that realistic nightmare from your thoughts.

Your hand went over the knob of the door to turn it, as you looked down when it didn't turn. You tried it again and saw that the lock that would be on your side of the door wasn't there.

"What? You've got to be kidding me?" You said as you yanked at the door and it didn't budge.

And in the next second, your room flashed away in seconds. Instead of you standing in your room, you were standing in a different one.

A four poster bed made of dark cherry wood and expensive dark red sheets covered the bed. As well as darkness coming from outside instead of the brightness that is through those windows two seconds ago.

You tried your hand at the knob again, pulling, pushing and nothing.

You heard a door open, as you stilled, turning around and seeing Paul walking out wearing nothing other than black lounge pants that were low on his hips as he was running a towel through his wet hair.

"Oh you're up good." he said, as you stepped away from the door, trying to not make it look like you were trying to open it to get the hell out of the room.

"Sorry about how you were pushed into that room. I didn't want you to get mixed up in the group when we were feeding." Paul said matter of factly, as you just looked at him with wide eyes.

He looked you up and down, a smirk creeping up on his face at you, until he saw the look on your face.

"What do I have something on my face?" he asked, as he laughed aloud at his own little joke, as you shivered.

"Here, change into this after taking a shower you stink." he said as he threw something at you that you caught and noticed that it was one of his shirts.

You walked to where he had emerged from, seeing that it was an expansive bathroom, just as big as the master bedroom.

With a huge tub and a standup shower in the same room.

You turned to close the door, and saw that he was sitting on the bed watching you, as he stared at you, as you stopped in your thoughts of wanting to close the door and instead turned around to face away from him and started undressing.

As the thought of wanting to close the door was still in the back of your head but you just couldn't will your body to do it, as you took off your shoes, then your top and your jeans, leaving you in your underwear.

And you felt his eyes on you, as you took the remaining articles from your body and looked from the shower to the tub.

The standup shower had the advantage of not taking so long but he could see everything. The tub would take longer but he wouldn't be able to see anything.

You went to start the tub and saw that it was already filled with hot water as you slowly got into the water, finding that the water was perfumed and there were bath salts inside, as you dunked your head under then came up.

Your eyes flicked towards the open doorway and saw that he was no longer laying on the bed watching you as you heard a sound against the tub, as you looked up and saw that he was sitting next to the tub on the floor watching you with a smile on his face, as he rested his face on one hand.

"Enjoying the tub?" he asked as you slipped in lower, hoping in vain that the suds would cover you, as he leaned in closer to smell you.

"You're already smelling better. I have to say you do smell good. Spotted you right out at the little concert, which made it easier to get you separated from everyone else. Don't want my omega to get caught up in the feeding frenzy." he said, as he took one of his fingers and trailed it up your leg and up to your thigh that wasn't covered by the water.

"At least not yet. I would have to go through the process with you, explain it all before you could join me." He said, as you felt like you couldn't concentrate on anything that he was saying, as your mind was focused on his fingers going back and forth on your exposed leg.

And you felt like his voice felt like it was surrounding you like a warm blanket, as you looked at him, as he tilted his head at you, watching your expression change as you started smiling.

He grabbed one of the containers that was resting on the side of the tub, and started rubbing the contents into your hair, as you moaned at the feeling of his fingers massaging your scalp, closing your eyes at the feeling, as you felt something drip onto your face, as you felt his fingers go further massaging your face.

You stick your tongue out to run it along your lips to moisten them, and you could swear you tasted something metallic, as you opened your eyes.

"What is that?" you asked, as Paul was humming above you, continuing to massage the shampoo into your hair, as he tapped your head.

"Dunk, then I'll put the conditioner in." he said, giving you no room for argument, as you dunked your head under the warm water letting it wash out of your hair and coming up, propping your head so he could massage the conditioner into your hair, as you looked at the water and saw that it was red.

You gasped and sat up looking at the water and seeing that it was a deep red, mixed with the suds from the soap that had been in the water before. You took your hair from Paul's hands and looked down seeing that it was also the deep dark red, and turned to look at him as he smirked at you as you screamed.


You woke up gasping for air as you looked out into the pitch darkness of the room, touching your hair, finding that it was damp, as you touched where you were laying and found sheets underneath you, as you sighed.

A dream within a dream. Of course you thought, as you sighed. You had had them multiple times where you had a nightmare and thought you woke up from it to only wake up from that finally realizing that you were awake.

You moved to lay on your side, as you finally felt the material that you were wearing. It was just a shirt that smelled like a man, as you felt someone move on the bed with you.

"y/n what are you doing up?" you hear a voice, as you felt a force pull you against a hard body, as you looked up and saw that it was Paul, as you tried to comprehend what was going on.

"I had to make you go to sleep. After your little tantrum in the bath I had to do it so you wouldn't be so distraught." Paul explained, as he turned you to face away from him, as he wrapped an arm around you.

"What you did to those people. Are you going to do it to me?" you asked, fear finally coming up for the first time in your voice since you had been around him.

"Eat you? No sweetheart I wouldn't do that to you. You're my omega and I'm your alpha. Only thing I will be eating from you is your pussy if you ask nicely though." he said, as you felt his lips go to your neck, as you close your eyes, willing yourself to sleep, in hopes that you would wake up back home.

Psycho Circus (Alpha! Paul Stanley x Alpha! Tommy Thayer x Omega! reader)Where stories live. Discover now