Part 5

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After an exhausting four rounds of sex Paul and you were finally done. By the end the sheets were no longer on the bed, one of the lamps had been broken and. Both of you lay breathless on the floor, naked and blood staining parts of your skin. Neither of you knew exactly how long you had been engaged in their sexual activities for.

"I'd say let's go again but I don't know that I can." Paul said, smirking.

You sat up, chest heaving and hair a complete mess. You smile down at him, still sprawled across the floor.

"Shower time?" you asked.

Paul laughed. "Really y/n, I don't know that I can."

You swatted his arm and stood up. "I meant alone. I can't exactly leave this room like this, I look like I've been involved in a murder."

He nodded as you walked away into the bathroom. It took a lot of willpower for him not to follow you in and ravage you again but he had other plans.

He got up from the floor, going over to the closet to grab some clothes to change into, as his eyes were on your ass, as he looked down at himself.

He had made a cut on his carotid artery on his neck from you to drink from, as he bit into your neck throughout the course of the lovemaking. And as a result a mixture of your blood and his ended up on both your chests.

He looked at the clothes in his hands and heard the shower running, as he threw the clothes on the bed and followed you into the bathroom.

You were already under the spray, washing away the dirt, blood and sweat from your body when you felt his arm go around you, spinning you around to face him, as he pushed you against the tile wall.

"Thought you said that you couldn't?" you said, as you smiled.

"Never changed my point, I thought I would finish the shower I barely got to start before you interrupted me earlier." Paul said, as he grabbed for the shampoo, massaging some in his hair before putting his soapy hands through your hair, massaging your scalp.

But they didn't stay there long, as his hands worked down massaging the back of your neck, your shoulders.

You leaned your head against his shoulder, as you groaned feeling him work the knots of tension out of you.

You moved your hands over his neck and shoulders wanting to do that same when you felt his erection brushing against your lower stomach as you looked up at him.

"Hey, I said that I couldn't that doesn't mean that I have control over my dick." he said, as you laughed.

'We don't have to. Plus I don't think either of us would be up for it." Paul said as he kissed you.

"Good because I'm sore anyways." You said, as he smirked at you.

"After a little bit of time with me between your legs you won't be for never long." he said, as he went to move lower, as you pushed him away.

"The last time you didn't get a shower and I won't be walking out of this bathroom again without getting cleaned properly." you said, as he smirked at your bold response.

"You know any other alpha wouldn't like their omega back talking to them." he said as you heard his tone, as you brought him back to full standing position. His lips immediately attached to your neck sucking at it.

"You know I could get you cleaned properly." he murmured against your neck as you felt his tongue run against your neck, as you moaned just thinking about what he was going to do to you.

Just as quickly as he was right against you, he pushed off the tile wall, standing away from you, watching the surprise run across your face.

"But that's going to be for later, because we both need a break. And some food in us." he said, as he hummed, grabbing for the conditioner bottle leaving you feeling frustrated and aroused.


You both laid on the bed curled around Paul, as he played with your hair.

"I need to make you breakfast, so I'm going to get up. You can grab clothes from the closet." he said, as he removed your leg from around his waist. You moved the towel further up your chest, getting up to go over to the closet, expecting to just grab one of Paul's shirts.

You opened the door and saw that one side was full of Paul's clothes and the other side was full of clothes for you.

Your eyes scanned the clothes pulling a tshirt out thinking that it looked familiar as you started pulling more and more.

They were all clothes from your house.

You went over to two of the dressers that were sitting next to each other. You opened the one on the left that was parallel to Paul's side, coming up with shirts, pants that were his.

You then went to the one on the right, pulling out the first little drawer that was full of lacys bras, as the other drawer was full of lacy underwear.

"Hey breakfast is ready. You're still in your towel?" Paul asked as you turned around seeing him standing in the doorway of the closet.

"Did you take my clothes from my house?" You asked, as Paul rolled his eyes.

"Tommy did. Then from there he picked up all that. You should've seen his face when I told him to get those. He turned bright red. It was adorable." Paul said, as you looked at him shocked.

"One, you know Tommy? And two, you had him break into my house to get my clothes?" You asked, as he smiled walking up to you.

"Yes he works for us, getting us the people to come here. You were here with me when I told him to get your clothes, your privacy wasn't invaded at all." He said as he placed his hand on your shoulder.

"But I think it's time that I explain how things work here. And how they are going to work between us." He said, as you felt his hand start to move up.

"Your behavior is quite adorable, but there's going to be a time where questioning everything isn't going to end well. I get that you aren't from here. Around just me you can speak your mind. But I have to meet with the band in a couple days to feed. And just because your my omega won't give you enough leeway to not be the next meal for one of them." Paul warned, as you felt his hand stop at your throat opposite the claim mark that he bit into you earlier.

Even in your universe as an omega you were never claimed, because you never wanted to be. Didn't understand what other omegas were talking about with being claimed making them feel different like they were suddenly whole.

Now you understood, because instead of fighting back like you probably would with an alpha pulling a move like Paul was, you were nodding your head.

Maybe it was also the thought of not wanting to be eaten by another member of the band that probably swayed your mind as well.

"Breakfast is waiting, so get changed please." he said, as he removed his hand, and you didn't realize that he had been squeezing it until he let go, looking down at what you had in your hand.

A smile crept onto his face, as he caressed your face.

"You could just wear that to breakfast." he said, as you felt like the time that you woke up here, his voice sounded enticing but now, it seemed to envelope you now, as you smiled.

"Alright I just might." You said, as you licked your lips, turning back around facing the dresser and going through the new clothes that you found there.

Psycho Circus (Alpha! Paul Stanley x Alpha! Tommy Thayer x Omega! reader)Where stories live. Discover now