Part 10 (final part)

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A couple weeks later...

You got up rolling out of bed, finally getting yourself into a routine in this new world of yours. Yes the thought of being stuck in bed with Paul and Tommy was nice, but you knew you would have to do something throughout the day to keep you occupied and busy.

Which was when you had the idea of creating the garden outside the house, in the open spacious fields that surrounded the house. You knew that your main source of sustenance came from the blood but you didn't want that to be held over you.

You started following Paul and Tommy's rationing of the blood immediately after you talked about it a couple weeks back thinking that you would have gotten used to it by now. But you were always craving just a little bit more. You were watering some of the little seedlings that finally made their way up through the soil, your bare feet walking along the soil.

That was when it hit you. You were due for your regularly scheduled heat and it hadn't come.

You dropped the watering can as you started rethinking back on when your last heat was and it certainly was before you came over here.

You took a shaky breath thinking back to your conversation with Paul and Tommy about why you were reacting so strongly to the blood. And maybe that was the answer. It seemed plausible enough and would explain why despite the rationing you felt you needed more of it.

And you thought back at their response to you questioning pregnancy and they didn't seem to mind at all. They actually seemed like they wanted you to get pregnant.

So it would follow that they would be happy about the news right? You thought, as you walked back towards the house, trying to figure out how you were going to tell them about the news.

You walked into the house, and saw that Paul and Tommy looked worried as they were together talking. You came up smiling, hoping that your news would break the tension.

"We just found out that Gene shorted us on the blood. And someone didn't say anything when they drank the last one." Paul said, as he looked pointedly at Tommy who looked at Paul, narrowing his eyes at him.

"You know I would've said something, what if it was you that did it?" He questioned, as you paled.

You drank the last blood bag last night when you were having cravings for it. You kind of had been sneaking them not thinking they would notice it. Until now.

"It was me. I drank the last one last night. I'm sorry. I didn't know it was the last bag." you said, as Paul sighed, running his hand over his face in frustration.

"That means that we are going to have to get people here earlier than anticipated. But I don't know if you're exactly ready to go over there by yourself." Paul said, as Tommy smiled.

"I think she is. She really started well with the rationing and everyone has cravings, if it was just the one bag, like whatever." Tommy said, as you looked at Paul.

"Ok, so I guess we are going to have to send you to the drop point." Paul said, as he went to grab the keys.

Well I guess I'll just tell them when I get back? You thought, as you followed behind them slipping on sandals before getting into the back of the suburban.


After about a 30 minute drive they stopped in a secluded area, as you looked out into the window seeing a literal portal just out in the middle of nowhere.

You got out with them, and walked up to it.

"Ok rules, you have 24 hours, so wear this it'll give you a countdown as soon as you walk through. And under no circumstances can you interact with anyone, leave invitations out in the marked areas on this map." Tommy said, as he put a watch on your wrist and handed you a piece of paper.

Psycho Circus (Alpha! Paul Stanley x Alpha! Tommy Thayer x Omega! reader)Where stories live. Discover now