Part 7

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You were in the backseat of the car, pouting because at some point you all had to get clothes on and leave the nice little bubble that you were at in the house.

Tommy was driving, and looked at you through the rearview mirror chuckling at your pouting, as Paul looked at him.

"Someone isn't happy that she had to actually get up and wear clothes." Tommy said, as Paul looked back at you and smiled.

"Just wait until we get you back home. I'm sure it's going to be a few days until we all see a little sunlight again." Paul said, as he wink at you, patting your knee.


It didn't take long for Tommy to drive the car to a desolate area, parking in the backside of the building that looked so run down.

You looked at it skeptically as you opened your door, following right behind Paul and Tommy as they walked up to the back entrance, using a key to open up the door.

They quickly were walking into a dressing room area, as they directed you into another room, that you immediately recognized as the one that you were pushed into the day that you came here.

They left you in the room, and you wondered, why, as it hit you. You were an omega surrounded with alphas. And despite having two of them you knew you were going to be stepping on eggshells if you went out without their permission.

So you sat, waiting, as your stomach rumbled with hunger.


"I'm so hungry I could eat a horse." you said, as your stomach grumbled, since the breakfast from that morning felt like it didn't do a thing to curb the sudden hunger that you had been feeling, as you walked out with Paul and Tommy who were still in full costume.

"We're fresh out of the horse actually." Tommy jokes, as you looked at him shocked.

"It's a figure of speech." you explain, not entirely convinced if they would even believe you.

"Listen, if you live with us, you have to eat like us." Tommy said, as he pushed you out onto the stage that was shrouded in darkness, as your eye adjusted seeing the people out in the audience, whispering as you looked next to you, as tommy was standing on one side of you and Paul on your other side, with Ace, Peter, Eric and Gene also standing on the stage, for second until they all pounced on the people at once.

You had assumed that they had already eaten, but since you hadn't heard the screams from the room you weren't surprised that they brought you out to join them.

The entire place was full of audience members screaming and trying to get out, running in different directions, as you watched Tommy and Paul meticulously take down two people, their mouth's tearing out their carotid arteries, drinking their fill of them before taking down the next person.

You stood dumbfounded and watched, disgusted at the sight and also intrigued because you noticed that Tommy, Paul and Eric seemed to be the only ones out of the group that seemed to stay remotely clean and free of blood covering them.

You stood there watching the carnage in the darkness, not knowing what to do until you felt the hunger rise in you at the metallic smell of blood in the air.

You got off the stage, walking towards Tommy and Paul who each had a person in their arms, faces buried in their necks feeding on them.

"This is how you feed? I mean i was only assuming things but.." you said quietly, as Paul dropped his body to the floor, licking his lips of any remaining blood, as he took your hand walking through the people that were scattered on the floor, as he eyed someone that was by the exit doors trying to open them in vain. You watched as a smile spread across Paul's face, as you saw him become the predator after the prey as he slunk through the darkness stopping only when he got behind them, as you followed quietly.

You stopped short behind him, as he took the person in his arms that started screaming louder at the contact with Paul, as Paul sunk his teeth into the side of their mouth.

He turned around, body in hand, as he beckoned you with the other, as you walked closer, looking at the deep gash that was in the person's neck.

All you were focused on was the blood, as you licked your lips and knew what you were hungry for now.


You didn't even question it as your mouth descended on the person's neck as you started drinking, feeling Paul bite into the other side of the person's neck continuing to drink his fill, as he watched you do the same, moaning at the taste of the blood as it hit your tongue.

You thought it would've tasted metallic, but now it tasted completely different to you, as you mind went back to the first day in this world where Paul decided to massage blood in your and it landed on your mouth and it tasted metallic.

So something changed since then, but your mind didn't want to focus on that, as the most mouthwatering experience was happening in your mouth.

In what seemed like a minute, you didn't taste any more blood coming into your mouth, as Paul released his hold on the body, as you moved away letting it drop, as you watched him.

His chest was heaving, his mouth was covered in blood, still wearing the stage costume, and you never thought you had seen anything hotter, except when he was rutting over you and inside you.

"Do you need more?" he asked, as you noticed his voice was coming off in a husky tone, as you smiled.

"I don't think so." you said, walking towards him, as you saw in your peripheral vision, Tommy approaching a smirk on his face.

"I have some of the extra blood that'll be coming back our way. I think we can leave." Tommy said, as they walked with you in between them as they were back in that same little room again, this time you noticed their clothes they came in wearing were hanging up waiting for them.

They quickly stripped themselves of their costumes, and their face paint and put their clothes back on. The entire time you felt like your head was running at 100 miles a minute, as you waited impatiently for them to change, finding that pacing back and forth was the only thing that felt right in the moment.

"Someone's antsy." Tommy commented as he was buttoning his shirt up, watching you pace, as Paul was adjusting his hair in the mirror also watching you pace.

"You said that you were having the extra blood sent to the house? So you keep a stash at the house?" you asked, realizing you sounded like a strung out drug addict, feeling a high off the blood.

Paul and Tommy exchanged a look between each other, as they turned to look at you.

"Yeah we do just in case we can't get more people in time for the next feeding. We've been at this for years so we know how much to ration off, just to keep the cravings at bay." Tommy said, as Paul raised a brow at you, as you still were pacing, as he walked up to you placing his hands on your shoulders.

"Which is going to go out the door when we get home your probably going to drink it all." Paul said to you, but it sounded like it was more directed at Tommy.

"But there is always the alternative of hunting." Paul mentioned, as you perked up at that, as he looked at Tommy.

"I guess, but maybe try and not binge-drink." Tommy commented, as you took a calming breath before looking at Paul, who was smiling at you.

"I thought you were hot before, but now that the change has taken over you, you are ravenous." he said, as his eyes scanned your body up and down, wrapping an arm around you.

And suddenly your mind was no longer on blood but something else, as they made a point of rushing you out the back entrance, and into the suburban. But this time Paul sat with you in the back, as you launched yourself at his neck biting it and drinking his blood, as he moaned.

"Thank god the house isn't that far away." he groaned, as he pulled you onto his lap, as Tommy chuckled, as he quickly backed the suburban out of the parking lot, making record time back to the house.

Psycho Circus (Alpha! Paul Stanley x Alpha! Tommy Thayer x Omega! reader)Where stories live. Discover now