Part 3

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You woke up the next morning, hoping that what you remembered was a dream. The tub, all the blood, as you prayed that you would open your eyes and you would be in your own bedroom at your house.

You opened your eyes and you saw the dark red bedding that you were laying in and sighed.

Of course your own personal nightmare wouldn't end. You thought, as you looked over your shoulder and saw that Paul wasn't lying next to you.

You eyed the window, as you got up, scanning the room for your clothes that you were wearing the night before.

Just before it would be a lot less embarrassing to run around wearing just a shirt.

You walked over to the window, seeing that all you would have to do was pull the latch to unlock the window and lift the window pane up and push out the screen.

You unlatched the window and pushed up. And the window didn't budge.

"Oh come on really?" you said quietly, as you tried a second time putting all your upper body weight into lifting the window.

Then you saw that it was painted shut.

You turned around looking everywhere in the room for something to break open the window and decide to just grab the nightstand.

Picking it up and throwing it against the window, wincing against the huge crashing sound of the glass breaking as well as the nightstand hitting the wood floor. You knew you had to make it through the window before Paul came into the room.

You slipped through the hole that was now in the window, kicking out the screen, feeling the sharp edges slicing through your skin and through the shirt.

Once your feet hit the wet ground, you feel the slight tension leave you. But not all of it knowing that you weren't going to feel at ease until you got miles in between this place and yourself.

You started running, glad that the early morning hours could still shroud you. You dared to not look back at the building, as you felt your lungs burning.

You hid behind a tree in order to catch your breath as you snuck a peek back at the building, as squint your eyes and saw a figure walking into the room, and then running towards the broken window, looking at it.

"Omega where are you?" he sang out the window, as you felt his voice hit you like a tidal wave as he opened the window fully, climbing through it, as you watched him slowly walking as you covered your mouth with your hand just in case even from this distance at a mile away that he could hear you.

You saw him looking around shirtless, scanning the area around the area.

You wanted to move but you didn't know if he could hear you, and with his size you knew that he could overtake you quickly if you were to start running again.

And then you saw his face turn up, like he was sniffing the air.

Dear god, don't let him smell me. You thought, as you saw him inhale deeply, closing his eyes, setting his face back down as he looked exactly at the tree you were hiding behind, a smirk creeping up on his face.

You gasped, as you stepped back as you stumbled a bit, before turning your back and starting to run again.

"Omega you think you can outrun me but you can't. You're exhausted already." you heard him say behind you, as you heard the sound on him running through the brush, as you felt the fear start back up again, cause you didn't know what you were going to do if he caught you.

You were hoping in vain to have your feet hit pavement, but as you ran, all you saw in front of you was miles and miles of brush with some trees. And no other form of life anywhere.

You were running and knowing that it was taking its toll on you, as you felt the blood from your cuts go further down your arms and legs, feeling the stickiness of it start to dry and mixing with your sweat.

"Omega stop running, the further you go the worse the punishment." you heard behind you, this time closer.

Your only thought was that he knew that he could overtake you and stop you but that he didn't intend on doing so, wanting to watch you run until you exhausted yourself.

He was toying with you.

That was until you heard an exasperated sigh from behind you as you felt a weight land on you as you hit the ground.

You got up quickly, trying to shake Paul off of you, as you felt his arms go around you holding you and turned you around to face him as he loomed over you.

Looking down at you, as his hair came down as well. All you saw in his eyes was anger, as his eyes flashed a color.

Which made you think that exhaustion was getting the best of you and you were seeing things.

"I knew I would have something happen with you, I didn't think it would be a breakout." Paul said over you, as you still struggled against him, as he situated himself over you feeling his knees pin your legs down as his hands went to pin your arms down.

"Are you done?" he asked, as he leaned closer to you, licking your neck, specifically where your blood had dried, feeling one of his hands move from your hand, as one of his hands went to hold both them, as you felt his free hand start to trail up your thigh.

Smearing semi-dried blood against your skin, as he went from licking the blood from your neck to sucking on your neck, hearing him groan against you, as his weight shifting, as he took your thigh in his hand, draping it over his waist.

Effectively moving you closer to him, feeling his erection through his thin pajama pants as he thrusted against you.

He swiveled his hips against you, as you moaned, feeling his lips curl against your neck.

"This wasn't the way I thought the morning would go. Wanted to sit you down and explain everything since your short time here has been so all over the place. But I could just make you cum right here right now in the dirt. How would you like that omega?" he asked, as you felt his voice entrancing you, as you felt like you could just cum from the sound of his own voice at this point.

You tried to rub your thighs together, but couldn't since Paul was laying in between them, as you moved your other leg to wrap around his waist as he smiled down at you.

"Or I could take you back, and you can be a good omega, accept your punishment and then I can make you cum like you've never had before sweetheart. I'll make it worth your while." he said, as you nodded, not even sure that you could even vocal respond.

Because somehow you were more aroused then you had even been before, as you felt him go to scoop you up in his arms, as your face was buried in his neck inhaling his scent as he walked back with you in his arms.

All the while humming eat your heart out under his breath.

Psycho Circus (Alpha! Paul Stanley x Alpha! Tommy Thayer x Omega! reader)Where stories live. Discover now