Part 8

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You were in bed, laying in between Paul and Tommy, hearing them snoring softly as you stared up at the ceiling, you mind racing.

You couldn't stop thinking about it. The blood.

Since you took your first drink of it, you kept on replaying the taste in your mouth.

The allure of sex was only a temporary distraction. You noticed that you seemed to also last longer in that department since you fed, and became what Tommy and Paul were.

Which was the added bonus, because you were half convinced they were holding back before because as you stretched you felt spots of soreness all over. Probably due to them holding you in certain positions over the last couple hours.

But even Paul and Tommy had their limits, as the roles were reversed this time around with them being quick to fall asleep after you were done, leaving you alone with your thoughts.

Which were all about you wanting to find out where Paul stashed the extra blood.

You sat up in the bed, looking at either side of you to make sure that neither Paul or Tommy were showing signs of waking up. You scooted slowly off the bed, grabbing one of the guys shirts to slip on as you tiptoed out of the master bedroom, and out into the main part of the house.

And it hit you, since you've been here you never really got to see the rest of the expansive house, so if they caught you snooping then you could use the excuse that you couldn't sleep and wanted to explore the rest of the house.

You went to the first place that you could think of where they would stash the blood, the kitchen in the fridge or freezer.

You opened the fridge, eyes scanning the refrigerator then opened the freezer taking everything out of it.

"You really think we would have left it out in such an obvious place?" Tommy asked, as you jumped, closing the freezer compartment and seeing them both standing in the hallway stark naked, and watching you.

"God you scared me!" you said, as they shared a look.

"Apparently we didn't do our job good enough since you didn't go to sleep. So we're just going to have to try again now then won't we." Paul said, as you noticed there was something in his hand.

A bottle of lube.

You walked back over to them and followed them back into the bedroom noticing on the sheets were a couple of towels.

So they already discussed this, you thought, as you felt your face heat up at what was going to go down, as you felt Tommy come behind you unbuttoning his shirt that you were wearing, throwing it to the floor, as he went to lay on the bed.

You heard the click of the bottle open, watching Paul lube himself up before tossing the bottle to Tommy as he did the same before closing it and tossing it closer to the headboard as he smirked at you.

"Come on y/n." he said as you walked to the bed, getting on it and swinging your leg over his hips facing away from him, as you held it steady while you began to sink down. You gasped at the pressure, but didn't stop until Tommy's cock was fully seated inside your ass.

Paul was watching you, as you sunk down ever so carefully, your muscles of your thighs and arms as you controlled the side of Tommy's cock inside of you.

"How does she feel?" Paul asked, in the darkness.

"So fucking tight," Tommy grunted underneath you, his face strained as he fought his body's urge to slam home inside of you.

Psycho Circus (Alpha! Paul Stanley x Alpha! Tommy Thayer x Omega! reader)Where stories live. Discover now