Part 4

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Paul brought you back to the house, as you dozed off in his arms. He walked through the front door and went back to the back of the house, where the master bedroom was, setting you down on the bed.

He looked down at himself and saw that he was covered in dirt, shrugging off his pants and walking into the bathroom leaving the door open, as you woke up hearing the shower running in the bathroom.

You got up in a sitting position looking yourself over and saw that you had dirt caked on your knees and your hands. And you were covered in cuts all the way up from your legs to your arms from the broken glass.

You hear the sounds of water running, as you notice that the door was open and you could see right in.

And the angle that you were at you could see Paul standing in the standup shower, nothing obscuring your view except for the slight steam that was building from the hot water. Watching him run his hands through his hair, as you eyes went from the shower to the open window.

"y/n, come here." Paul said, as you looked back at where he was standing in the shower, but he wasn't facing you at all.

You felt that same feeling as if you really couldn't control your own actions. You got up off the bed and walked slowly into the bathroom, biting your lip. Cause your eyes couldn't leave his ass, and you really didn't want a reason for them to.

"All you have to do is ask." he said, as you watched and saw that again he had not turned in your direction.

Then his head turned in your direction, with a satisfied smirk on his face, as he caught you staring at his ass.

You averted your eyes embarassed at the fact that you had been caught staring at him and also that he had caught you.

"Don't be stupid" you replied, as you went to turn away, and you suddenly felt wet hands go around your waist and a slightly warm body pressing against your back. You felt his bulge pressing against your ass, as he ran his hands over your stomach, pushing the shirt that you were still wearing up.

His hands descending lower down to your exposed thighs.

"You can't deny it forever." he growled in your ear.

"Yes i can" you said, barely over a whisper, as your breath hitched, when his hands were working their way up your thighs. It was hard to concentrate with his breath on your neck and his hands all over you.

"Stop pretending you don't want this as bad as I do." Paul whispered as he placed a delicate kiss on your neck.

His fingertips were dancing closer and closer to your clit and now you really wanted him to touch you.

"I'm not pretending" you lied, as you heard him chuckle in your ear.

"Say you want it." he demanded.

You shook your head no.

"Say you want it or I'll stop before we even have gotten to the good part." Paul said as his fingers moved further away, back up your stomach.

Paul's mouth left your skin and his body pulled away slowly. The only contact that was had was from his hand that was still on your pelvis. He was moving his other hand away, when you stopped him by grabbing his wrist.

"I...I..." you stuttered.

"You want what y/n" Paul said, faking innocence in his voice.

"I want it." You said, as he smirked against your neck.

"Want what?" he growled.

He shoved your body against the nearest wall, as Paul's crotch pushed against your ass, he rubbing up against you, teasing you.

"What do you want y/n?" Paul whispered.

"You. I want you Paul." you moaned.

All your reason and sense of morals and conscience left the building.

Paul shoved his hand between your legs, putting a finger inside of you. He smirked at how wet you were considering you barely touched. You gasped at the feeling but adjusted quickly. Paul had one hand between your legs touching you as the other was on the wall to steady himself. He pumped inside of you, adding another finger after another minute. His hard cock rubbing against your ass hard and rough, but you didn't mind.

"Oh Paul." You moaned.

"That's it." he said coaxing you, as he started feeling you riding his hand.

At a particular point, you clamped down your teeth on his forearm drawing blood. The contact made Paul's twitch as he felt the blood draining from him. He returned the favor by biting into your shoulder. You pulled your face from his forearm and licked your lips. Blood was dripping from your mouth, as Paul smirked at the erotic sight, as he spun you around pushing you back against the wall hungrily ravishing your mouth.

It was a mess of blood and saliva. He retracted his fingers from you, as you whimpered at the loss, as you went down on your knees to take his cock in your hands starting to slowly pumping him in your hands, as he ripped the shirt from your body, leaving the shreds to fall on either side of you.

"Shit." he breathed, looking down and watching you pump his cock with one hand and cupping his balls with the other.

"You like that?" you asked,

"Yes, yes, don't stop." he growled, as he started thrusting his hips in your hands.

You smirked as you watched him become weak, as his legs started to bow out and his eyes were closed. You knew he was close, and stopped, as he looked down at you in disbelief as you went to stand up.

"You can't finish yet, I want you to finish inside me." You said, as you licked your lips.

Paul groaned.

"Your too bad for your own good." He said, as he picked you up, as you wrapped your legs around his waist. Paul rubbed the head of his dick against your wet opening.

"So wet." Paul said, as he entered you with ease.

He pumped inside of you, holding your hips. His mouth nipping at your breasts and licking your nipples.

You bounced on him steadily as he held you around your waist. As much as Paul enjoyed the position, he wanted more contact and this wasn't going to do it for him. He trapped your mouth in his as he walked you both back into the bedroom, setting you down on the dark red sheets. He began thrusting inside of you as soon as your back met the bed.

"Paul." you breathed biting down on his lip, drawing blood as you went to lap it up and watched as the wound healed right before your eyes.

Paul groaned at the bite, as he continued thrusting in and out of you, groping at your breasts and holding you tight against him.

Seconds later, your back was arching, moving you closer to him, as his hand went to down to rub at your clit, wanting you to cum around him before he did so he could feel you clench around him.

"Come on y/n cum for me." he said, as you started to quiver and shake against him, moaning his name. As Paul quickly thrusted into you fully, as he groaned cumming inside of you, thrusting lightly, as he kissed down your neck and over your chest, before collapsing on top of you.

A few moments later and he was rolling off of you and went to lay next to you a satisfied grin on his face.

"I knew you would be good." he said, you were smiling as well and turned to face him.

He groaned going to get up.

"Have to make you food I almost forgot." he said, as you pushed him back down into the bed, as you straddled his waist looking down at him.

"I can think of better things to do." You said, as you smirked.

"Like?" he asked smiling up at you, pleased at the turn of events.

"Round two, but only if you give me more of your blood." you said, as he smiled.

"Only if you give me more of yours." he said, as he pulled you down on him, as you kissed passionately.

Psycho Circus (Alpha! Paul Stanley x Alpha! Tommy Thayer x Omega! reader)Where stories live. Discover now