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I go get Ana up and have her get ready for church. To my surprise she's dressed in a nice outfit made for church. We head to get the kids and Barry.
How did you sleep Ana?
The nightmares were horrible again. I can't recall what they were, because it wasn't me being hurt in them. A boy, a very young boy. But that's all recall. Annabelle and Aubrey are in car seats next to me jabbering away to one another. They don't even notice me after I get in the car. They are playing on a toy iPad.
Maybe they will get better and or stop altogether. At least you now have a soundproof pool house to live in now.
Too true, no more scaring everyone by screaming in the middle of the night because of the nightmares.
Omg so true, sorry Ana but we thought you were being killed. We are here.
Wait this is a different church than the one you were attending. Why the change?
I will tell you later okay?
Okay as I see Barry give Angela a look that says just the minimum of facts.
I watch as I see our newest members of the congregation approach us. They started coming a month ago after a situation at their last church made it imperative they switch churches immediately. We found out they live next to us. I notice a girl about Mias age with them. She's holding the twins hands and following Barry and Angela. They introduce her as Ana, Angela's sister.
I like Grace immediately, she is our neighbor. Barry seems a bit distracted and then I see why. He is watching as three men and two ladies walk towards us. Then they are followed by men and women in black suits. They stand at alert mode and don't speak. They seem to be checking out everyone and everything. Yep bodyguards.
Moms talking to a young lady and a man and standing by all of them is a girl about Mias age hold the hands of two very cute girls. She is very beautiful herself. Elliott is the first to introduce himself to the group. Dad is next and then me and Mia. Elliott of course hams it up. I find out that Ana is the aunt not the mother. Angela is her sister and Barry is her brother in law.
I am glad t see someone my age actually in the neighborhood. Maybe we can hang out together sometimes. Maybe hang and go to a local club to dance and have a drink or two.
I have a friend moving here soon and she's our age as well, we can make plans to have a get together soon. Well I am not 21 yet, so the drinking is out of question for me and Kate until we are 21. A few months from now. We can still do something if you like.
You guys should come to supper tonight. We have plenty.
Sure just tell us the time and we will be there.
We sure can, you are the first neighbors to invite us over.
Most of the neighbors are older and less apt to socialize at all. They enjoy their retirement time.
Mom and dad don't plan on retiring at all. They have plans to outlive us all by clean living unlike us party animal kids they raised lol.
Oh hush you. He kidding with you. He's our comic relief. Dinner will be at six we can put up a playpen for the twins to lay down in if they get tired.
Thanks that isn't necessary we can bring something for them. Can we bring any thing else like dessert. Ana cooks very well unlike my culinary efforts. She basically taught herself how to cook.
I can whip up a few things for desert if you like?
Pies and cakes are always welcome.
Okay any favorites?
Chocolate cake for me, pies of any kind though.
Okay well I need to go get the ingredients then. See you all at six.
Don't you need the address?
Okay, aren't you the house next door to us?
Okay well bring whatever you like. The boys would give you a huge detailed list if they could of the deserts they wished you would bring them personally. Please don't enable them lol
Okay I won't, one pie one cake is all I will bring to share.
She was making me a pie, see what you started Christian now I have to share.
Sharing is caring lol.
Okay I'm gone.I take the twins and go to the car and place them in their car seats. They pick up their toy iPads.
Can I request a pie and a cake if you are baking already Ana?
Sure since you are family and you are allowing me to live in your pool house.
Pineapple pie and pineapple upside down cake?
Those are easy, I take it these are for you to keep at home?
Sure are, besides Christian has a cook, and so does Dr Grey. I don't have one, so I might request a few goodies on occasion if you don't mind?
Just give me enough time to get the ingredients. Make a list of your favorites and you might find them once a week. No promises yet though.
Three hours later, three pineapple pies, three cherry pies, three apple pies, three upside down cakes, three chocolate cakes and we are off with two pies and one cake. Kate surprises me.
I finally find my way to visit Ana. What I haven't told her is that Ethan threw his bags in with mine and jumped into the car. Luckily she has three extra bedrooms in that pool house she's living in. Me I can get away with, but me and Ethan is another matter. I also didn't expect her to be busy.
I see Kate knocking on the pool house door from the kitchen window. Angela goes and gets her while I am baking. I also make some cookies for the girls. Angela's kitchen has a number of stoves and ovens. It's huge. The whole house is huge.

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