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In all the Kavanagh uproar we hadn't been paying much attention to things going on with Elliott. I now wished we had. Because of any of our children we thought he would have learned from the Kate episode how someone could become volatile. Apparently he hadn't. Nothing like getting a early morning phone call from the hospital saying they need you to come to the hospital. I am used to Elliott going out of town for major construction jobs and checking in sporadically so when we got a call we dressed quickly and drove there. We didn't want to wake his siblings until we found out what we were going to find.
Did they tell you what is wrong Carrick?
No they didn't and I tried dialing Elliott, and a child answered the phone. I  thought I heard hospital announcements in the background. Someone hung up the phone and when I called back it went voicemail.
I think I have died and gone to hell. My phone and wallet are missing after my wedding by shotgun I might add. I guess her brothers didn't want me to escape. I definitely had no idea who they were exactly, but the woman looked familiar to me. My head hurts from falling out of the truck during the wedding reception. I do love Vegas and it would be my choice to marry there. So I am thinking that I married her out of free will. If I could just remember who I married and what happened to have me marry them. I am laying here after an MRI for a concussion. Apparently I am John Doe, they keep asking what I remember. Falling out of the truck on my wedding day.
Dr Johnson
I called the Grey's when I found their number in the pocket of the guy who died on our table. We have no idea who he is, but the ambulance driver said a truck had ran a light and ran over him at the crosswalk. Another person was on the ground but hadn't been ran over. So now we have an unknown body and an unknown head injury victim. A very pregnant woman is crying in the waiting room holding twin boys crying as well. She has a black eye, she needed medical treatment too. The cops keep trying to get her to tell them what happened, but she's in shock.
Dr Lowell
I have the attendant bring the woman and her boys into a private room to examine her and have the boys examined as well. She is in shock and holding a mans jacket. The boys are playing with a cell phone. It rang and scared the boy holding it, but the other one answered the phone. The mother took the phone making the boy start crying. She turned the phone off and put it in the jacket pocket. The jacket seems to soothe her. I haven't heard her speak yet and that worries me a lot. She's grasping her purse as well. The boys seemed in very good condition, so I try to have them taken out of the room, but the woman starts panicking so I stop. I have the attendant to find toys and food and drink for them as well. I ask the woman who she is and she takes a mans wallet out and points to her ring and the wallet. The ID is Elliott Grey, I ask if she's his wife and she nods and points to her ring. I dial dr Grey and it goes to voice mail. I leave a message to call me back. This has to be a most interesting morning.
I go to the main desk and try to find out who called us this morning. Dr Johnson spots us and ask us to follow him and I see where we are headed and I have to hold it together. Carrick has no idea what the viewing room is, but all the hospital does. He opens the door and tells us he needs us to tell hm if the body on the table behind the window is our son?
I see Graces face go pale as we are taken to an odd room. It has gurneys and Kleenex boxes and sofas, but what really stands out is the window with a curtain on the other side. I hear the dr tell us we need to tell him if the body is our son. Body? He said body didn't he? I catch Grace before she faints and help her sit down.  I tell the dr to let me look and there the body is mangled, but it isn't our son, but it's someone's son. I gather my wife and we ask to be told if the body isn't claimed we will assure he gets a proper burial.
Dr Lowell
I leave the room and bump into the Grey's coming out the viewing room. I tell them I have a young pregnant woman in the room who has Elliotts wallet and possibly his jacket. She is claiming to be his wife.
Are yo sure? Can we see her?
Dr Lowell
She's in shock and isn't talking and has two boys with her that could be Elliotts doppelgängers in miniature. I lead them to the room and take them inside. The woman has the boys by her grasping the purse and the jacket like it's her lifeline. All three are asleep. Her black eye is worse and her breathing is erratic. I tell them she needs to get testing done soon, but she won't let the boys out of her sight.
The girl is awake just frightened. I look at the boys and they definitely look like Elliott. The jacket looks like his as well, but she's holding t so tightly. If this is Elliott's wife we need to make sure she's treated now. I ask to have dr Johnson called in on her case. I ask if anyone fitting my sons description was brought in as well?
Dr Johnson
I think Dr Fredericks has a man that has no real memory. He has no ID of any kind, he has a wedding ring on. Let's go see him, maybe we can see if he can calm the woman down. At least enough to assure she get treated.

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