Chapter 2

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N/N ~ Nick name
F/L/N ~ Fake last name

Hange made there way back to HQ and had come up with the idea to take the violin to eyebrows also know as Erwin Smith thinking he would be the best person to keep the violin until owner was found,as they made there way into the old building and towards eyebrows room they noticed the amount of stairs that where accumulating was they made there way to his office,soon enough Hange was standing out side the door that read { commander Erwin Smith }on the wooden door .

They raids there hand to knock on the old wooden door and after a cupped of  moments they heard a "come in" hange entered the room  with the case in hand .Erwin was doing paperwork when he looked up at notice hange standing with a black case in their hand knowing he would regret it latter he asked "hange what is that why did you bring it here and where did you find it " "well sir i was finishing up with all of my testes when i spotted  one of the scouts wonder into the woods with this in hand so i followed them and soon enough i heard someone play it  when i went to the source of the sound on one was there so i thought i would bring it to you because your the best person to look after it and all .its a violin by the way theirs no name on it and it looked expensive that's  why i'm here " Hange let a s sigh as for Erwin he was speechless Hange Zoe was doing something rational   for once .

Erwin took the lack case from their hands and inspected the violin it looked to be well made and was expensive ,"thank you Hange i will make sure it gets back to the owner "Erwin finished .And with that hange made there way out of his office and contend there way back to their room when they heard a familiar   voice "hange hange "hange stooped and turned to find a h/c cadet running  towards them "h have y you seen levi "they said trying to catch their breath "i think he is in his office "hange had s slight blush on there face "thank you your the best "and with that they where off .

it was no secret that hange had strong felling towards n/n they where just to clueless  to notice any of the hints they had been doping off time to time .

n/n made there  way to Levi's office .n/n knocked on the short  raven haired man door and heard a short "enter" n/n entered  the room and saluted the man "sir i left some papers in the mess hall and was wounding if you had picked them up "n/n looked down at the floor in embarrassment"you mean the one with the symbols "he said as he took out a couple sheets of paper and handed them to you "be careful next time brat "n/n nodded and left his office now trying to think of where hange had you their violin 

n/n made there way to their room and saw Sasha there room mate eating a potato "i won't tell anyone"they waved there hands up in defence at the brown haired  girl.they open the top draw of there desk and took at a black folder and slipped the sheets inside before returning it back inside the drawer and siting on there bed."hows hange "Sasha asked a blush creeping on her comrades face "there f fine"they stuttered Sasha had a bet with Hanges assistant moblit  to see who would confess first out of there friends.

Sasha waked out of her room and went to find moblit and of cores he was with Levi Erwin and Hange they girl saluted the looked at moblti "the bet just took a turn a said someone is a blushing mess at you know who name "then left moblit now had three people  looking at him confused "its along story" then he trund to the to men "ill tell you latter "



just another thing i will be redoing one chapter 2-3 times a week or more just to make you all where i hop that you all like this new version its a lot longer that it was and will be mabey adding more chapters  if i think need be just to make it better i would like some from of feed back for how it is so far if its possible 


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