Chapater 5

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it was the night of the party i get ready with my parents i had put on my F/C outfit and put my hair into a more formal style and went to help set everything up in the main building   my plan was to avoid the four people all night  especially now that i know who they where now ,to he honest i just dint want to answer any of there questions tonight. 

the party was in a near by church that was about a ten second  walk from my house everything was going well when four faces that i knew all to well walked in  my dad greeted them with a warm smile as i made a run for the back door not wanting to e sen but of course it was locked so i just hide in the lack corner hoping not to be seen or called for till i had to play .everything was going well when i noticed my dad calling me over .

Hange  POV

the four of us walked in to the church is was nicely decorated i notice someone making their way to the back of the hall but never gave it any other thoughts "welcome i hope the journey wasn't too bad"Mr L/N asked "no sir it was fine thank you"eyebrows stated him and Mr L/N where talking "wow this place is really clean "Levi stated i was surprised  that this was to Levis standers it was  a nice conversation when Mr L/N called someone over it the the person trying to get out that back door when we first  arrived .

soon a familiar  face walked up to us "this is y/n my child they work a long  beside you in the survey core "the man stated the five of us look at each other when eyebrows speaks up "ah yes y/n its nice to see you again "you could hear the confusion in his voice "ah yes you to sir"the sound scared but  i'm not sure why "can i borrow hange for a moments pleases"they asked "sure"we both left the building to talk 

"so i guess you would like to know whats going one"they asked i just nodded in response "OK so my real name is Y/N L/N but when in i enrolled at the survey core i took my mus last name and went with a nickname  to hide who i was not any people knew that my parents had a kid and i wanted to be treated like a normal person and if you are wondering yes i know what lie out of the wall and know more about titans than i most likely should for my own good and i'm sorry i never told you all of this before i just wanted to be normal and then you found my violin and that was shit and now i have it back so thank you for that and now here we are " they finished my face went a slight red now just realising how stunning the look in the moon light "OK and i under stand but you know now you have to help me with my experiments"i laugh "that's fine by me" 

soon eyebrows came out "y/n your dad wants to see you ""thank you sir" y/n made their way back inside leaving me and eyebrows out side "hange why are you red " he asked i looked up at him "no reason i'm fine "and then made my way back in side follow by eyebrows  




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