Chapter 6

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Erwin followed hange back inside where the L/N's where setting up y/n looked at hange and smiled making hange blush even more ,hange desired to explain  everything to them but stooped when they noticed moblit had a smug look on his face "whats up with you " they asked "oh nothing"moblit said smiling at the two others.after what felt like a life time music stared to play ,hange  looked at y/n with there mouth wide the way they played was mesmerising . 

Hange POV

"Some still red "Erwin laugh " are you sure your OK Hange  we can leave if your not felling well " he continued " is  she blushing " Levi said whit a stone cold expression on his face " she been looking at y/n since we got here " Levi turned to Hange and saw her blushing a deeper red as the song finished everyone clapped. moblit was laughing and turn to Erwin "no just to get them together"he laughed to him self.

No one POV~

After they where done playing and packing away they made there way over to the four "you guys ready to go "M/n asked the and nodded and headed back to the L/N's House where they will be sating ,"sir is hange OK"y/naked the man just laughed "i'm not sure maybe you should asked them "he said earning a small chuckle for moblit and Levi they nodded and made there way to hange "hey are you OK your face is red sorry if i sound rude are you sick?"y/n asked with condenser in there voice "y ya i i'm o OK "they stuttered  y/n wasn't convinced with hange's voice .

once they got back to the house Erwin whisperer something to y/n's parents "so we have a bed in y/n room and the room next to ours with three extra beds "misses L/n said looking at the three men who all had a smug look on their faces "well take the spare rooms hange can bunk in with Y/n "Erwin said hange face eminently went bright red.

once hange and y/n made it back to their room they decided to get ready for bed their where two beds one for each of them,"you where really good today "hange Spock up y/n blushed at the comment "Ah t thank you "they mutters,the next morning the five got ready and made there way back to headquarters they all said their good byes and y/n made their way back to there room.

No one was in the room when they got back so the decided to get a shower ,after that they where about to leave the bathroom when hange and Sasha walked in "so how was it "Sasha asked "it was good they where all really nice and the music was incredible "they laughed hange placed something on y/n's bed and they two then left the room .Y/n got change and then made there  way to the note *why did hange leave this here *they thought to them self

hey i'm so so sorry that it took me so long to get this done but one more chapter to go so that's fun it will most likely be long so it will take longer 


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