Chapter 7

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i picked up the letter to see what it said still confused that hange wants to see me .


Dear y/n

I know we just saw each other and all but can you meet me in the clearing in the woods at sunset 

can you bring your violin as well

Sincerely Hange Zoe

wondering what was going on you got change back into your uniform you had some time to pass so you went to the library for a bit know where to find the book you were reading at the time , you ended up finishing the book and realized you were running later you hurred back to your room to grab what you needed and made a run for the woods when you got there change was nowhere in sight.

~time skip sunset ~

y/n waited a bit before re reading the note they were left to make sure they were at the right place when all of a sudden hange came out of nowhere "s sorry I'm late Levi was shouting again" they let out a small sigh hange walked up to y/n and just stare at the cadet in front of them "c can I I ask what I'm doing here or are you just going to keep looking at me ?" y/n asked snapping hange out of their trance " a ah y yes why I asked you to meet me here em well you s see I was wondering if you could play me a  s song you were amazing last time you look sunning I'm not saying you don't all ways but that night "y/n cut them off"of course ill play you a song do you have one I'm mind"they asked a blushing mess.

"f/s,"hange asked y/n nodded and got their violin out and started to play hange watched in aw by the way they played putting their heart into each note, it was breathtaking to watch after they were done hange took their hand to look them in the eye "there's something I need to tell you its why you're really here"y/n just nodded signaling for them to continue "I have known you for a long time and I avoided telling you because I didn't want to ruin our friendship what I'm trying to say is I love you and I know you may not feel the same wa-"they were cut off by a pair of lips on theirs hange kissed back now knowing that they felt the same way "I love you too hange" they laughed.

y/n looked up that the sunset hange notice a small light in their eyes *cute*they thought what they didn't know is that behind them as 4 individuals Levi, Erwin, Sasha,moblit and mike"well that was something "mike muttered Sasha and moblit smiling that their friends found happens,

omg hiiii that took too long sorry that this took so long to get out but here it is iv done re-writing this book 

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