Okay well now we know what a mclennon is

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Hia people! Enjoy this chapter! Love y'all but it's about to get angst at the beginning

(Johnny boi get up cause the world has left you lying on the ground)

I woke up at a time that I wasn't aware of, seeing as there was no f*cking windows or doors in the room I fell asleep in which I think is illegal. I felt warmth next to me. Actually not even next to me.

Wrapped up in my arms.

I looked down and saw my macca's beautiful sleeping face. Some would say it's unflattering or ugly but his chin pressed against his heck and his mouth hanging open slightly was the most majestic sight I have ever seen. And I got to gaze at it for as long as I wanted right now because no one else seemed to be awake.

I remembered that I was in a movie theatre with Paulie, geo and rings and some other four dudes who were pretty cool. One of them had really poofy hair and was extremely tall and he was sitting next to this b*tchy one who seemed extremely short. The other two seemed fairly normal and I think I would get along pretty well with them. One named Freddie I think had his teeth sorta pushed forward but apparently he's a good singer so I can't judge. The one next to him sorta reminded me of George. He looked to be the youngest and he was sort of quiet. I remember his name was John because we have the same name.

I turned my attention on the rest of the room, glancing at George and rings. Their hands were very close to the others, almost like they were holding hands in their sleep. I almost turned to wake up Paul so we could look at them almost holding hands together and I also longed to see his big, beautiful doe like eyes. Woah that was poetic Lennon.

I then heard a shifting noise to the left of me and saw that Freddie guy who had just woken up and had also realized other John in his arms. His eyes widened and his face turned red and I almost laughed at the scene but I couldn't let him know that I was awake so I kept quiet. He looked up and I shut my eyes to make it seem like I was sleeping. Again, he can't know that I'm awake cause I wanted to look at Paul without being disturbed. I'm just now realizing how strange that sounds. (I'm jamming so hard to kids in America rn it's great)

Then I loud bang was heard, followed by groans from around me and my eyes shot open.

"WAKE UP F*CKERS!" The lady had screamed from the front of the room. So much for Paulie gazing. She banged a wooden spoon on the bottom of a large pot which I'm guessing made the clanging sound. There was a thud from somewhere near me and yet another groan. I think someone fell out of the bed. Paul opened his eyes and sat up next to me, causing my arms around him to slip away.

"Wot the f*ck?" He grumbled, rubbing his eyes tiredly. Everyone else seemed to be awake by now

"SHUT UP!" The blonde one, I think his name was roger or something, yelled. The lady sighed and finally stopped banging the spoon on the pot. And when I say pot a mean a cooking thing. I really don't think that smashing pot with a spoon will make much noise.

"Are you all awake now?" She asked innocently. I think it's pretty hard to not be awake after that. She must of woken up the entire world by now!

"Yes we are all BLOODY AWAKE!" The curly one yelled. The muchacha put her hands up defensively like that was gonna save her from scary yelling angry poodle.

"Okay okay! Chill out bri I was just checking." She defended. He rolled his eyes at her, very unamused.

"Okay so we are gonna look at some memes and stuff which are just funny pictures and all that and but first....LET ME TAKE A SELFIE- no actually first I'm gonna let y'all know everything that you need to k ow about queen." She said nodding to me and my three band mates who were still in bed.

Queen reacts to Queen memes and fandom/fanficWhere stories live. Discover now