(4) "it's time.."

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Three months later 

Bucky and Cassidy were getting everything ready for the big move. She was three days past her due date and absolutely miserable. They already had most of their stuff packed up. Bucky came through the door. 

"Well I did it.." he said 

"Did what?" She said 

"I traded in my truck for a new car. Dad said he is going to keep your Audi at the house so we have a car for when we come home for holidays or what ever else we need to come down for." He said 

"Good that's good." She said as she began to pack the clothes that she just washed. 

He came over and began to rub her back. "What is going to happen to the house?" she said 

"It will be vacant. Grandma said that when we are done with school if we want we can move back in it." He said 

"Okay..so all this furniture is just going to sit here?" She said 

"Unless we decide to stay in Boston or move somewhere else other than here yes. If we decide that we don't want to move back home we can have movers bring it to us." He said as he continued to rub her back. 

"Please don't stop.." she whispered 

Both Winnie and Darcy assured them both that everything was okay with the baby. That it was normal to go past a due date. Later that night after dinner she was soaking in the tub as Bucky finished up the clothes packing. 

"Buck!" She yelled 

Bucky went running up the stairs. 

"What? What's wrong?"he said as he came running into the bathroom 

She began to scream in pain. "It's time?" He said 

"Yes!" She said 

He helped her out of the tub got her dried off and dressed. They quickly left the house to head to the hospital. Bucky hit the Bluetooth button on his steering wheel. 

"Text mom" he said 

"Texting mom. What would you like your message to say?" Siri said 

"Cass is in labor headed to hospital." 

Siri repeated the message back and Bucky told her to send. Bucky pulled into the parking lot he quickly helped Cassidy out of the car. Just as they were walking up the parking lot. 

"Oh god..my water just broke." She said as she stood frozen. 

"Come on Baby we are right here.." he said as calm as he could. 

When they got to the door a nurse was waiting for them. Winnie had called James to have someone meet them at the front door. Once they were in a room on the L&D floor and Cassidy got her epidural she was calm. 

Dr Kason came into the room. 

"Hello I'm Dr Kason the doctor that is on call tonight.." he said as he read her chart. 

"Let's see how much you are dilated.." he said as he pulled up the blanket. 

He began to check her cervix. "Water is fully broken..and you are at a 7 and half." Dr Kason said 

"Thanks.." Cassidy said as the doctor left. 

"Bucky whats wrong?" She said 

"I just don't want another guy looking up my wife's vagina." He said 

"Buck you have nothing to worry about. Dr Kason is married and has been for like twenty years." She said as she grabbed his hand. 

Five hours later..

"It's time to push Mrs Barnes.." a nurse said as she went to get Dr Kason 

Dr Kason came in as the nurses started to get everything ready. Darcy came in to be in the room with them. 

"Alright everyone let's have us a baby." Dr Kason said as he took a seat at the end of the bed.

Darcy and Bucky took Cassidy's legs. "You can start pushing now." Dr Kason said 

Cassidy began to push. "Good Cassidy give me another one." He said 

After four more pushes a tiny cry erupted throughout the room. Dr Kason held him up and a nurse laid him on Cassidy's chest while Bucky cut the cord. Tears were streaming down both of their faces. Their baby boy's cries began to die down to little tiny whimpers the moment he heard her and Bucky. 

Cassidy got him to latch she and Bucky shared a kiss as Darcy snapped a photo. The next morning was when the family came in. Elliot had been out of town working a project but drove back home when Darcy called. 

"Meet your family little Maxwell Preston James." Bucky said 

"That is gorgeous.." Darcy said 

"We just wanted one nickname didn't we.." Bucky said as he held his son. 

Everyone took turns holding him and gushing over the newest addition. After a three day hospital stay they were discharged. When little Maxwell was a week old they made the trip to Boston. They agreed to stay with Brandon and his wife cause they already had a nanny in place for Branson. Besides that it made the family feel more comfortable that they have that support in Brandon and Mila. 

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