(7) Holiday Blues

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After being back home in Georgia a few days Bucky and Cassidy were laying on the couch in their old house while Maxwell was napping. In the middle of their make out session there was a knock on the door. 

"Go away.." Bucky whispered hoping that whoever it was would get the hint. 

After a few more knocks Bucky pulled his hand out of her pants and wiped his mouth. 

"Open up Buck Cass it's Bobbi." She said 

"Bobbi.." Cassidy whispered as they went to the door. 

Bucky opened the door to just see her standing there and just her car in the driveway. 

"I really need to talk to you two. Before you freak out I ended things with Clint last month." Bobbi said as they let her in.

"So why are you here?" Cassidy said 

"Because I felt like you should know that the others are planning a intervention. On you Buck." She said 

"Me?" He said confused. 

"They seem to think that she has brainwashed you. Every time you two post pictures they trash talk you two like you have done something wrong. Like all the weddings you recently attended they didn't like the whole classy look. I think you two look amazing and beautiful together. But they don't..they claim the only reason is because she's good in bed or you are so mesmerized by her huge boobs that you'll do anything." Bobbi said 

"Thanks Bobbi." Bucky said 

"But they seem to forget that they are the reason you all are together in the first place. Remember I was the one that told the judge that day in court what happened." Bobbi said 

"Yeah we know. And we thank you Bobbi." Cassidy said 

"I just thought you all should know that you could be walking into fire on Saturday. So just be prepared for some form of an intervention." She said 

"Thank you.." Bucky said as she left.

Once he shut the door Bucky looked at her and said "Now where were we." As he took her back to the couch. 


Saturday night they arrived at his family's annual Christmas dinner. Marjorie walked over to them to see her great grandson. "Oh little Maxwell you are getting so big..and mama you look gorgeous. And my grand baby..shew you are looking so handsome and I like this new you baby this is what I always wanted from you. And I'm loving the pictures you all send me." She said 

"Thank you grandma." Bucky said as he hugged her and kissed her cheek.

As other guests began to arrive Bucky and Cassidy were slow dancing on the dance floor as the band played "Stand by Me. The group walked in Bobbi kept her distance from Clint and the gang. 

"My god..it's like they are one person now." Sam said 

Bucky told Cassidy to avoid any drama for his grandmother they would stay long enough to eat and they would leave. They already booked their flight to return to Boston early to avoid them showing up at the house. After they shared a dessert they began to tell everyone good bye. As they were gathering up Maxwell's stuff. 

"Hey..can we talk to Bucky alone?" Steve said 

Bucky looked up from the car seat. "We really need to go.." he said 

"Can we come by the house and we go down to the pool hall?" Sam said 

"Actually we are leaving early tomorrow morning.." Bucky said as he continued to buckle Max into the car seat. 

"What is this? To good for us now?" Sam said

"Excuse me.." he said 

"Ever since you have been screwing around with her you have turned into this person I don't even know. Is she that good in bed? Because you use to hate this life..that's why we made a plan to attend college at a public institution not at a private college." Sam said 

Bucky shook his head. "You say one more god damn thing about my wife and I swear to god I'll punch you. This has nothing to do with our sex life. This has everything to do with the fact that I love her! And I'm happy with her and my son in Boston. So please stop right where you are..she didn't brainwash me or cast some witch spell on me. I fell in love with her all over again..so just leave us alone if you can't be happy for us. And you all need to remember that you all were all for our wedding in Vegas..but now it's just a joke to you." Bucky said 

The room had gone quiet. "Come on Cass baby. We need to sleep we have an early flight." Bucky said as he took her hand and they left. 

And the rest of them caught hell from their parents when they went home. 

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