(12) Wedding Day

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The next morning Cassidy kissed Bucky's head as he slept. 

"Love you baby see you later on today." She whispered 

He moaned as he rolled over to his back. "Love you baby." He whispered 

She grabbed her dress bag that she hid in the bathroom closet and her shoes. She slung her bag on her shoulder. When she came out of the bathroom he was sitting up. 

"It's wedding day baby." He said 

She smiled at him. "It's wedding day." She said as she came over and kissed him one more time. 

"I'll see you later at the altar." He said 

"I'll be the one in the white dress." She said as she walked out of the bedroom. 

Bucky laid back on his pillow and smiled. She joined her girls and the ladies of the family at breakfast. Bucky was about to fall back asleep when his phone started ringing. 

"Get your butt up. We are going golfing with our dads." Noah said 

"Shit I forgot you told me that." Bucky said 

"I figured you did." Noah said 

Bucky quickly got himself ready and grabbed a banana on his way out. Just as he opened the door the guys were standing on the sidewalk. They all piled in Gabe's Escalade and headed to the golf course. When Bucky found out that the friends he made was somehow linked to his family he put their parents on their guest list. 

Cassidy had Maxwell in her lap when they all went to the hair salon after they had breakfast and went by the spa. Once the girls were done there they headed to the nail salon that was their last stop. Maxine (Cassidy's grandmother) took Maxwell with her as Darcy went with Cassidy and the girls to get ready in her hotel room. 

Bucky and the boys went back home to get ready. London did Cassidy's make up for her while Madelyn made sure all the dresses were accounted for and wrinkle free. Once they were done with their make up they started put on their dresses. Darcy helped Cassidy with her dress. 

Both rooms had a photographer in it to get before photos. So a photographer got pictures of Darcy and Cassidy when she was doing the dress. Down the hall there was a moment between Bucky and James with his cuff links and bow tie. Cassidy's got another moment with her grandmother Maxine pulling her veil down. 

Elliot knocked on the door when it was time for everyone to start getting ready to go downstairs. The boys already headed down to the ballroom. As everyone heard music begin to play they all took their seats. Their grandparents started to come down the aisle as "Never Stop" by Safety suit began to play. After their grandparents was Bucky's parents and Deacon ushering Darcy down. 

When the song ended another song started up "What a Beautiful Day." By Chris Cagle began. The curtains opened up again to reveal Zoey and Branson coming down. Zoey dropped pink and white rose petals with a big smile on her face showing her dimples. Branson and her stood in their spots when they got to the end just in time as the song ended. 

"When A Man Loves A Woman." By Michael Bolton began to play. Bucky scanned the room to see the old crew sitting with their parents as Madelyn started to come down the aisle. Behind her was Madison. Behind her was Maggie and Montana. The last one to come down was London. 

"For Her" began to play. The curtain opened to reveal Justine telling Maxwell to walk to daddy holding his little sign that said "Daddy here comes mama." Bucky smiled as he toddles down the aisle he stood beside Branson. The curtain opened back up to reveal Cassidy and Elliot. 

Tears welled as he swallowed back the lump in his throat. Bobbi smiled so big from her seat when she seen his face. Cassidy had her own tears falling as well. Elliot placed her hand in Bucky's. 

"Who gives this woman to this man?" The minister said

"I her father Elliot Cooper and her mother Darcy Cooper." Elliot said 

"Thank you." The minister said 

Elliot took his seat as Cassidy wiped Bucky's tears. He mouthed "Gorgeous." 

The minister began to read scriptures about love and marriage. Once he was done he looked up. 

"The couple has chosen to write their own vows. And Cassidy he has asked if it was okay if he does his first." The minister said 

"Yes." She said with a smile. 

Bucky lifted her veil. 

"Cassidy Joanna Bliss..three years ago on this very day you saved my life. You were my first crush my first kiss. I made a lot of mistakes in my life but letting you have my heart again wasn't one of them. I fall more in love with you every day. Choosing to be here in Boston with you will always be the best decision I ever made. I love you Cassidy I promise you that will never stop,I promise I'll never leave you. You are my voice of reason my favorite person to wake up to and fall asleep next to. I've been in love with you since I was 14 I just had to grow up some. You are an amazing woman and mom. And I can't wait to see what our future holds from here but I know it will be great with you by my side. Forever with you by my side" Bucky said 

"Ms Cassidy it's your turn." The minister said 

She wiped her tears. 

"James..I never thought in million years my Prince Charming would be you. And quite honestly I've never been one for story book romances. I always had one goal and that was medical school. So when Vegas happened and when you asked me to stay on this very day three years ago. I was scared just like I was the first time you ever kissed me. I had plans but life threw you at me and shook up my whole world. But for the last three years I've seen a side of you that I never knew was there and it has made me fall in love with you. You amaze me everyday in the way you love me and the father that you are to our son. I can't wait to see where this life takes us but I know one thing the day you chose to come to Boston for me made me start to fall. Hearing you tell me all the things that you do know about me made me realize that I wasn't paying attention. I can't wait to continue our journey together from here..I love you James Buchanan Barnes until death do us apart. I can't wait to spend forever with you." She said 

They exchanged their rings after they exchanged their rings. The minister said "I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss your bride." 

Bucky grabbed her cheeks and kissed her then he dipped her as everyone cheered and clapped. They all went to the ballroom across the hall where the reception was being held. 

Their first dance was to "The First Time I Ever Saw Your Face." By Roberta Flack. They had their heads side by side with their eyes closed. When their dance was over she danced with her dad to "My little girl." By Tim McGraw. Bucky and his mom shared their mother/son dance to "Song For Mama." By Boyz II Men. 

The rest of the night went smooth as well. Bucky and Cassidy took off the next morning to the French Alps for a week while Maxwell stayed with their parents. 

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