(19) Ten Year Highschool Reunion

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Two years later 

Cassidy,Bucky,Bobbi and Logan were all on a plane with their kids. They were headed home to Georgia for their highschool reunion. They were all 29 now the little ones were now 4 and Max was 8. 

"Do you think they have changed?" Bobbi said as she looked at them. 

She was sitting in between Bucky and Logan. 

"Who knows." Bucky said 

They finally landed in Atlanta when they got their luggage two town cars were waiting outside the airport. One had a chauffeur holding "Barnes" and the other said "Davenport." 

"See you all in a bit. He knows to bring you all to the house if you all so choose to stay with us. Or you can crash at your parents Bobs." Bucky said as he got in last. 

Cassidy fell asleep on the long ride to their home town. She was getting ready to start her third year of residency. She was beyond exhausted most days Bucky London Alex and Noah opened up there own law office back in Boston. All four of them in the last two years have made way in law world for four young lawyers. 

James met them on the front porch of their first house. 

"Welcome home son. Cass it's good to see you sweetheart I know those circles residency makes you look like a walking zombie." James said 

"Papa papa.." Maxwell said 

"Hey little guy you are growing like a weed. And so are these two." James said as he squatted to his three grandbabies. 

"Anyways the house is ready for you all. Even the two extra bedrooms in case the Davenports want to crash with you all." James said 

"Thanks dad.." he said as he hugged him. 

They went inside and got all of them settled in. 


Bobbi and Logan was already at the reunion when Bucky and Cassidy showed up dressed to kill. When they walked in every head turned. 

"Damn..Barnes what the hell happened to you?" An old class mate said 

Natasha heard someone say it and the whole group saw them. They found some other old Harvard friends that attended their highschool and chatted them up. 

"Talk about richy rich." Wanda said 

"How many diamonds does one person need. Her engagement ring isn't enough she needs another huge ass one to wear." Natasha said 

As the night wore on they finally approached the old group. 

"Hey guys it's been awhile. How are you all?" Bucky said as Bobbi and Logan joined them. 

"Oh are you all talking to us? Surely he can't be talking to us.." Sam said 

Bucky rolled his eyes. 

"We are trying to be nice and catch up." Cassidy said 

"Where's Clint?" Bobbi said 

"Oh funny you should ask Bobs. He killed himself five years ago." Scott said 

"Wait what?" Buck said 

"When he found out that Bobbi got married and stuff he took it hard and lost his mind. One day me and Hope came home and found him dead. So sorry if we aren't happy to see you all. So why don't you all go back to Boston." Scott said 

"Yeah. You all seem like you have a great life up there so why don't you all just leave us alone. We don't fit in with your little country club asses. We never have..see you three are Harvard babies and trust fund babies. Our families weren't like yours we may have been able to attend private school but that was because our parents worked hard to get where they are and pay the tuition." Wanda said 

Cassidy rolled her eyes as they started to walk off. As they were eating the former class president presented a slide presentation. It was a presentation of the students that made successful careers. 

When it got to the Bs. 

"James B. Barnes and Dr Cassidy J. Bliss Barnes. Both Harvard undergrad and med/law school graduates. James is now a prosecutor and Cassidy is third year resident. Married ten years and 3 kids currently living in Boston." 

They saw the old crew roll their eyes at both of theirs and Bobbi. 

"Guess they will never change." Bobbi said 

"Nope." Cassidy said as they all started to leave. 

The next day the Barnes and the Davenports headed back to Boston. 

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