(15) Positive Thoughts

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A/N ^Cass and Max. London,Madison,Madelyn,Montana,Maggie and Bobbi.^

A month into classes Cassidy had overslept her alarmed. It was a Tuesday morning Bucky didn't have early classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They were awoken by Rachel who came in with Maxwell dressed for school. 

"Mr Barnes and Mrs Barnes?" Rachel said 

"Rachel.." Bucky said 

"Do I need to take him on or is she going to do it?" Rachel said

Bucky looked at the time. "Baby?" He said as he gently shook her awake. 

"Mmm what?" She said 

"You are going to miss carpool and class if you don't get up right now." He said as he started to get up himself. 

"I'll take him Rachel." Bucky said 

Cassidy saw her phone was on the floor where it buzzed and buzzed off her nightstand. 

"Geez baby this is a first. Normally it's the other way around." He said as he started to pull on clothes. 

Cassidy quickly pulled on her clothes ran downstairs into the office to grab her bag. Bucky stopped her and gave her a quick kiss. 

"Love you." He said 

"Love you see you later." She said and ran out the door. 

As soon as she got out the door she saw the others waiting for her. 

"I'm sorry.." she said as they got in Gabe's car since it was his morning to drive. 

The rest of the morning wasn't going well for Cassidy. She had been feeling nauseated all morning she chalked it up as she didn't eat breakfast. By the time their second class was over they were heading towards the lounge to grab some lunch. As they were all walking and talking Cassidy stopped. 

"Cass?" Bobbi said 

Her eyes rolled both Gabe and Logan acted fast at catching her. 

"Cass sweetheart can you hear me?" Gabe said as he laid her on a bench. 

"Cassidy?" Logan said as he tapped her face. 

Bobbi called 911 then Bucky. 

"Hey Bobbi.." Bucky said as he sat at the light after dropping Maxwell off at preschool and having breakfast with him at the school.

"Bucky Cass is on her way to the ER. We don't know what happened all we know is she passed out about 10 minutes ago. Logan and Gabe caught her before she hit the sidewalk." Bobbi said 

"Okay..I'll get to the hospital." He said as he manuvered out of the turning lane to go home. 

Bucky quickly pulled into Mass Gen hospital parking lot. He ran inside to the desk. 

"Hi my wife Cassidy Barnes..her friends called me from Harvard Med told me they were bringing her in." He said 

"Right this way.." the nurse said 

She led him to Cassidy's room where a nurse was setting up an IV. 

"This is her husband Gabby." The nurse said 

"Okay thank you. Glad you are here Mr Barnes. Has your wife ever fainted before?" Gabby said 

"No she's never fainted before. She's never had a medical problem before." Bucky said as he caressed Cassidy's hair. 

"Okay don't be alarmed by the oxygen mask. She's fine we are going to run some labs see if we can figure out what happened. Do you know if she ate breakfast this morning?" Gabby said

Bucky remembered their rushed morning. "No she was running late." He said as he sat down. 

"Okay well once we get the labs in a doctor will be in to talk to you all. She should start to wake up soon. We have fluids going now." Gabby said and shut the door. 

"Baby..what happened?" He whispered 

Cassidy started to come to thirty minutes later. 

"Buck?" She whispered 

"Hey gorgeous. You can't be scaring people." He said as he wiped her tears. 

"What happened?" She said

"You passed out cold." He said 

She swallowed hard just as the doctor came in. 

"Hello I'm Dr Purvis. So your blood work came back besides being dehydrated and a combination of not having anything on your stomach that can cause anyone to pass out. But there was something else that attributed to your fainting spell..your HCg levels are high Mrs Barnes..can you tell me when your last period was?" Dr Purvis said 

Cassidy looked at Bucky. They had been struggling to have another a baby for the last year and half she's had three miscarriages. 

"I think I had one in June." She said 

"Baby..it's September. And she's been pregnant before we have a 4 Year old son she wasn't like this when she found out about him or anytime during her pregnancy." Bucky said 

"Well let's just get you a ultrasound so we can figure out how far along you are Mrs Barnes. And you can't always go by previous pregnancies. Every pregnancy is different." Dr Purvis said as he walked out. 

"Bucky I wanna go home..please just tell them to forget it and let me go home." She said 

"Hey hey baby look at me. I know that we haven't had the best luck at this since having Maxwell. But we gotta think positively okay. Positive thoughts baby okay..this time could be different baby." He said as he held her cheek. 

"No I wanna go home.." she said as she started to cry. 

He hugged her. "Baby it's gonna be alright. We just gotta be positive.." he said 

Ten minutes later..

"Alright so let's see what we have going on." The ultrasound tech said as he put the gel on her stomach. 

The room was dark as he began to rub the gel in with the wand. "Alright let's take a look." He alas as he turned on the tv for them to see. Cassidy closed her eyes and plugged her ears. 

"Cass don't do this.." Bucky said as he moved her hands. 

Bucky did a double take of the screen with wide eyes.

"Buck what is it? What's wrong?" She said then turned toward the screen.

"It looks like you two are having a set of twins." The tech said then he turned up their heart beats.

"Both are 158 heartbeats and you are roughly 10 weeks. A due date will more than likely be in March." The tech said 

Both Bucky and Cassidy were speechless. When they left the ER she scheduled a follow up with her gynecologist. Once they were home Bucky had to get ready for class he informed Della to make sure Cassidy eats that she is expecting. He asked that Rachel pick up Max so Cassidy could rest. 

That night after class was over everyone came over to the Barnes household for dinner. As dinner was progressing. Gabe looked over at them. 

"So are you going to tell us what the doctor said?" Gabe said as he sipped his wine. 

Bucky smiled. "Cassidy and I are expecting..twins." He said as he reached for her hand under the table.

"So..all of us are pregnant..at the same time." Maggie said 

"Seems that way.." Madelyn said with a smile. 

"Cassidy and I are due in March. We are the last ones to have a baby." He said as Maxwell climbed up in his lap. 

"Starts with the Heywards and ends with the Barnes. To the next generation!" Gabe said as he held up his wine glass. They clinked their glasses. 

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