I will find a place where I can see him again.

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Adam's: POV

Alice... Things are bad again. Without Jake... I can't stand it. I don't see Carlisle anymore. Now it really feels like he never existed. I will find a place where I can see him again.

I drove to the forest and walked until I found the cliff. "You promised you wouldn't do anything stupid or reckless." said Carlisle. "You promised it would be as if you never existed. You lied." I replied. "Adam, don't do this. "You won't stay with me any other way.  Please, for me." he said. "You wanted me to be human. Well, watch me." I replied and jumped.

The water was freezing and washed a wave over me. Then I saw Victoria and I hit my head. I could see Carlisle shadow under the water and I didn't noticed that someone grapped my arm.

"Adam, please." said Jacob. I coughed up water and his warm skin burned me. "What the hell were you thinking? he asked. "I just thought I saw something." I said and he sighed. "How is Harry?" I asked. "He's dead." said Jacob. He helped me up and we went back to the truck.


"108 degrees over here." said Jacob and I moved closer to him. "My hands are freezing. Must be nice never getting cold." I replied. "It's a wolf thing." he said. "No, it's a Jacob thing, you could be like your own sun." I replied.

But when we were back home I saw Carlisle's car and I rushed in. I lit the lamp and saw Alice. "Alice." I said and hugged her. I had forgotten that her body was as hard as stone, it was like running into a cement wall.

"Would you mind telling me how it is you're still alive?" she asked upset. "What?" I asked confused.

"I saw a vision of you, you jumped off a cliff, why did you tried to kill yourself, what about Charlie?" asked Alice. "I didn't tried to kill myself, I was cliff jumping and it was fun." I said. "You are hopeless." replied Alice.

We went to the living room after I had made a cup of hot tea. We sat down on the couch and talked. I had missed her so much.

"Adam, what is that God awful wet dog smell?" asked Alice disgusted. Um... That's probably me. I've... It's Jacob." I said. "Jacob who?" she asked. "Jacob's kind of a werewolf." I replied. "Ugh Javi. Werewolves are not good company to keep." said Alice. "Speak for yourself." replied Jake.

"I thought you couldn't protect me here." I said. "Guess I don't care." he replied. "Well, I'm not gonna hurt her." said Alice. "No, you're just a harmless Cullen. I'm talking about the other bloodsucker who tried to kill Adam because of you." he replied coldly. "Victoria?" asked Alice. "Yeah, Victoria's been around." I said.

"I didn't see her. I didn't see you get pulled out of the water, either.  I can't see past you and your pack of mutts." replied Alice annoyed. "Don't get me upset." said Jacob. "Hey, stop. Stop, stop, stop." I replied. "Or things are gonna get very ugly." he warned.

"Hey, you're not going anywhere? You're going to come back, right?" I asked. "As soon as you put the dog out." said Alice and went out.

I walked to the kitchen and Jacob followed after me. "Que Quowle." said Jacob. (stay with me forever) He was about to kiss me when the phone rang.

"Swan residence... He's not here right now... He's arranging a funeral." said Jacob and hung up. "Who was it?" I asked. "Carlisle." he said. "Why didn't you let me talk to him?" I asked. "He didn't ask for you." said Jake.

"Adam, it's Carlisle, he thinks you're dead." replied Alice. "What?" I asked. "He's going to the Volturi. He wants to die too." said Alice and we went quickly to the car.

"Please stay here. For Charlie. For me." said Jacob. "I have to go." I replied. "I'm begging you, please." he said. "Goodbye, Jacob." I replied and we drove off.

Carlisle think Charlie arranging a funeral for Adam and he can't live without him.

I hope you liked the chapter.


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