Chapter 1~

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Macy's P.O.V

"One two three four, one two three four, one two three four, and, stop." Jaqui, my dance instructor called. "Great job girls, see you all tomorrow."

I grabbed my dance bag, along with the other 5 girls on the competition team. Darcy, Madeline, Kayla, Sophia, and Jazzy were my best friends. Sadly though, we went to different schools around Charlotte, North Carolina. Dance rehearsal was every day but Sunday, from 4:30pm-7pm. And if were lucky, we sometimes get a day off. But I can't complain, dance is my whole life and I couldn't live without it. We've all known each other since we joined the team, which is about 4 years. I won my first national title when I was 13 years old, and same with the girls.

Darcy is probably my best friend out of all 5 of them. Her school and mine are rivals, and within 5 miles of each other. Darcy dresses preppy, but shes definitely not one of the popular girls. They're enemy's, but thats a story for another day. Her usual outfit is skinny jeans and a collared button up tank top, and sparkly sandals. She has light blond hair that comes just past her shoulders and fair skin, with dark blue eyes. I've always been jealous of of her eyes, mine are plain brown. She is extremely generous, but always tells you if your doing something wrong. I wouldn't call her a goodie-goodie, but some people would. They just don't really know her. Trust me, she has a wild side. Of course she loves dance, but she wants to be a photographer when she graduates.

Madeline, she's different. Most people at her school call her goth or emo, but that's not her at all. We live on the complete opposite side of town, so it's a 50 minute drive from her house to mine. She dresses like a normal teenage rebel. Jeans, combat boots, and usually a t-shirt of her favorite band. She has dark brown hair, to where it looks almost black or dark blue. Her bangs are swept across her face but when it's in a bun at dance, she looks like a whole new person. Her eyes are dark, like mine. She's the one I can tell anything too. No matter what it is or how embarrassing, she never judges. Shes been through a lot, so nothing really surprises her. Although, she can be a bitch when she wants too. Maddie doesn't quite know where she's going in life, but I know she'll figure it out.

Kayla is the only one that goes to my school. All the other girls are spread out among the city. She is extremely bi-polar. Most days she's happy, but some days, you don't want to go near her. Her hair is blond like Darcy's, but goes down past her boobs. I envy her hair; because mine does not grow very fast. She has olive skin, so she tans well, something I am lucky to have too. Her clothing style is more of an indie hipster, and i adore it. People at school do their best to avoid her. They don't think she's weird, they're honestly just scared of her. I've known her long enough to know that even though she's nice, she's a bad ass. Kayla wants to be an actress in L.A, and she's dead set on moving there after graduation!

Sophia and I have only been friends for two years. The reason is, she's one of the shyest people you'll ever meet. Before, everything was dance dance dance and no fun for her. She would come, practice, and leave. We invited her places but she always declined. One day, she just started talking to us. She was really kept to herself at first, but now she's really open. Mostly with me, but with the other girls too. I like to compare Sophia's hair to the color of cinnamon. It's a little past her shoulders and its wavy. She has light brown eyes and her makeup really makes them pop. Sophia was raised really well, and being very shy, she tries her best not to stand out. Usually she'll wear a cute girly top with bootcut jeans and toms. Not skinny jeans, she absolutely hates them for some reason. Although she is quiet, she's very kind, and she always gives compliments. Sophie rarely talks about what she plans on doing with her life, but she's mentioned nursing a couple times.

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