Chapter 5~

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chapter 5 is dedicated to @AlyssaRosePetti for being such a supportive reader! :)

H AY HAY. I'm actually updating right now WOW its amazing i know. Well theres alot of dance references so if you don't understand them you can always google them(: reeeead.


Macy's P.O.V

The next two minutes would be my last two minutes of freedom. I was trying so hard to make the day go by slow but it ended up just speeding up instead. My eyes were fixed on the little second hand on the clock, watching it tick around in circles. Two more circles. Two more circles and I'm screwed.

I could hear the faint sound of the ticking clock, along with the normal sounds of a classroom. The teacher flipping papers, people whispering in the back of the room, and Joseph, eating his pencil behind me.

The bell rang signaling that the day was over. Others around me quickly packed their things and scurried out of the classroom trying to leave as soon as possible. Me? Oh, I lagged behind as much as I could, that is until I was booted out of the classroom by my English teacher, Mr. Marris. I clutched my binder next to my rib cage and let my backpack hang freely on my right shoulder. The halls were already starting to clear, and fast. Coach Barnes instructed Jarred to be at my studio by 4:20, which gives me about 30 minutes to warm up alone.

While throwing my things in the backseat, I hopped into the drivers seat and drove away from my school. Kayla stayed after school for volunteer work, so I'd be alone today until Jarred arrived. The rest of the girls didn't show up until 6:30.

I didn't bother stopping back at home because I already had my dance bag in the car ready to go. I was not looking forward to this. Jarred is so incredibly stubborn and full of himself, he'll be impossible to teach! I'll be lucky to get him to go up on tippy toes. Jarred's not one to be messed with if you try to correct him or help him at all, he blows up. He hides behind his popularity but i know the real him. Hes a total bad boy and partys as much as possible. His car pulling up the driveway next-door wakes me up in the middle of the night constantly. Girls swoon over him but all he ever does is lead them on and go crawling back to Melanie. I should know from experience, he's pretty convincing; A football jock, care free party life, a ton of friends, and not to mention hot, he's the whole package. But not in my book. The thought of Jarred in my dance studio made me gag.

There was only one car in the parking lot as I pulled in, and lucky for me it was just the janitor. A heat wave hit me when I opened my door. I rushed to grab my bag from the back when all of a sudden my phone buzzed.

Jarred: 4:07pm

'be there at 4:45.'

Beads of sweat formed on my forehead and before I knew it I found myself inside the studio putting my bag down and pulling out my necessities. First I slipped on my black Nike spandex, and then my dark purple sports bra and white fitted wife-beater. I tied my hair back in a cute loose pony tail and checked the mirror. My foot un-deez were placed on my feet and I stepped onto the black marley floor.

Usually the girls and I would stretch on the bar to Lady GaGa music, but today I did floor stretched and put my phone on the speakers. Three Days Grace blasted out of the speakers along the ceiling as I dropped into my left splits. There are perks of being the only one here today, like getting to put my music up as loud as I want.

My idea of warm ups next to the bar didn't work. The bar was wobbly and missing a screw so I refrained from the classic ballet warm ups and began my normal rehearsal. I shuffled across the floor and finished in a perfect leap, and I mean perfect. The mirror on the wall allowed me to watch myself dance. My legs were completely apart like the splits and my arms were perfectly placed. I landed on the ground with a small thud and spun around for my finish. I ran across to the center of the dance floor and began doing pirouettes. My leg kicked out as I propelled myself in multiple circles. The cool breeze whisked over my freshly shaved legs which gave me the chills. I finished off my graceful spins with little no-effort spins that helped me slow down.

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