116. ten things i hate about you

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you left your jacket in the car

i know

you know?

it's an excuse to see you again




i actually forgot about it

but it was cute right?

too cute to be true


but it is an excuse now

i'm gonna need my jacket

don't you have more?

but i like that one specifically


it's just denim

and i think i saw you wearing a green one that was really cool

you should wear that one



are you doing it on purpose?

am i?

i hate you

you don't

i know what movie we should watch next

which one?

10 things i hate about you

is it a hint?

i don't know

is it?

you know you can't find ten things you hate about me

wanna see?



i hate when you mock me

when you steal food from me

when you don't let me drive because you think i'm gonna crash your car

the fact that you don't let me wear your super exclusive sweaters

your bad jokes

hold on

when you put my feelings and worries over yours

when you read my emotions

i didn't think you'd actually find more than one

i hate your cheesy words too

i hate that you're way more than i deserve

and, being as corny as kat was in the movie, i hate that i don't actually hate any of those things because they're part of the man i love



you're the most wonderful person i've met

and i love you

but i draw the line at bad jokes

you draw the line THERE?


it's personal

and don't you have anything to say about your sweaters?

you never ask for them

i'm not supposed to ask for them

well, you never gave me yours

Wrong Number [2018] Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now