124. concise

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did you get home safe?

don't you trust your driver?

are you mad at me?

no, i told you

we can talk about it so you can explain me why you didn't tell me that people think i'm your fan and someone told you to stop going out with me

i don't even care about the fan thing, it's not relevant

i know


i had a meeting with my management team after that time they took pictures of us under the rain

very romantic btw

harry focus

it's normally me who has to say so

are you doing what i do?

what do you do?


so you admit you avoid certain subjects

i thought we all knew that already

why are you doing it?

because it's not easy to say


what did they say?


they said i should wait

wait for what?

and why?

wait to be in a relationship

bc the album is about to be released

what does that have to do with us?

i don't get it

idk angel

i didn't listen to them anyway

i wanna be with you and my personal life is not marketing

the people who actually love me and support me and my music don't care about that





you are not gonna say anything else?


are you mad at me?

no, i'm just thinking

what are you thinking about?


last night

this morning

it was great and i'm not letting this ruin everything

i enjoyed last night too

it's the best one of the year so far


we talked for hours on that reeeaaally uncomfortable couch

you didn't sit on the couch, you were sitting on my lap

and THAT was uncomfortable

why didn't you say anything thennn?????

i liked you so close to me

you looked cute

even if you didn't feel ur legs?

it was fine

the glow on your face when i was talking just about myself was completely worth it

i love discovering new things about you

i know

i never feel like i might be talking too much if it's you who's listening


idk, you're there no matter what

and it seems like you always know when to just listen and when to talk

you're one of the most interesting people i've met

the first one being my grandma who raised thirteen kids

wow, impressive

i know

but you got stories to tell and i have ears to listen

you'll get tired of listening

try me

u sure? i could spend hours talking about me

i really like it when you open up

you normally seem very concise

now i know i don't need to be

Wrong Number [2018] Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now