~Chapter 1~

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I woke up and looked down at the watch that my mother had given me before she passed away. Yeah I know kind of a sad start but oh well

"Shit" I said as I realized I was going to be late for my first class which happened to be transfiguration with professor Dumbledore. I was one of his brightest students and also his favorite. I shot up and got my robes on unfazed by the fact that I missed breakfast, and none of my friends cared to tell me. 

I got there with literally thirty seconds to spare and class had not started but everyone was already seated, I rushed into class and everyone was looking at me like I had just avada kedaverad someone in the middle of class like calm down. Whatever I sat down in my seat next to Sirius Black, this class was a mix of gryffindor and slytherin, but I wasn't complaining Sirius was kinda cute. Calm down this is a Tom Riddle x Y/N not Sirius x y/n 

"Okay everyone, today we will not be having class instead someone is coming to talk to you all about recent events that have occurred" To everyone's surprise Dippet walked in. He doesn't talk often to certain classes so this was unusual. 

He speaks of how as we already know that the Tri-wizard tournament is this year. He expects us all to know the dangers of this tournament and how many years ago there was one who died because of this tournament. "It is not for the faint hearted". After his speech class was dismissed and everyone started leaving.

While I was walking in the hall I could feel eyes on me as I walked, for some reason everyone seemed to notice me. In my head there was nothing special about myself. I walked to my next class which was Defense Against the Dark Arts with Professor Merrythougt. I sat next to none other than the infamous Tom Riddle. He had never payed very much attention to me, I didn't mind though it seemed that every other girl was for some reason in love with Tom Riddle. To me he was just another teenage wizard, although he was very intelligent. 

As class was being dismissed we were made aware of having to have study buddies. We needed to work with the person we sat next to and study for at least one hour after school for a week. I internally groaned because as smart as Tom was he was kind of a know it all. We locked eyes as she told us this and I rolled my eyes and he just walked away.

 It was lunchtime in the Great Hall and sunlight shown through the large glass windows. With chatter around everyone sat at their house tables sitting and eating. I was with my friends, Daphne, Millicent, and Tracey they were who I roomed in the dorms. We sat and talked about the usual drama. Until Tracey brought up the Tri-Wizard Tournament and how the yule ball came after. I looked around and pointed to a kid everyone called Avery "Hey Daphne you and Avery would be cute together" I said as we all laughed knowing Daphne was head over heals for him. Daphne looked around and said "Tracey you would be cute with Malfoy in my opinion" Millicent glared at her because they all knew that Millicent was in love with him. Tracey caught Millicents looked and said "Nah I'm good Millicent you can have him". I was lost in thought for a second as Tracey blurted out "What about you y/n?" I was quickly pulled out of my trance as I replied "well what about me?" "Who do you wanna go to the ball with silly" Tracey said as they all laughed. "Well I dont know I don't really fancy anyone right now" I said blushing a little bit. I quickly changed the conversation asking them "So in DADA class who are yall's pairs that you have to study with?" Tracey told us hers was Rocier and Daphne said Avery as we all oooo'd earning us many looks from students. I looked at all them with the "what-the-fuck-do-you-want face" and they all looked away. Finally we learned that Millicents was Nott and I straight up scoffed, I hated Nott he was a little bitch who bullied me and Daphne for years. I proceeded to tell them mine was none other than Tom Riddle and they all giggled. I looked at them confused and Millicent said "well every girl in Hogwarts likes Riddle have fun with dealing with that". I responded with "I'm sure I'll be fine". 

After lunch ended I went to my classes throughout the say and as I was leaving my last one I was going to look for Riddle to ask him when we could or even where we could study together but as soon as I walked out I bumped into someone because I wasn't looking at my surroundings "I'm so sorry I wasn't looking-" As I looked up I was faced with none other than Tom Marvolo Riddle. 


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