~Chapter 15~

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im really trying guys, also THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 5.5K READS THAT IS CRAZY. 

recap: But then I remembered, the note. It's still under my pillow.

"Alright well maybe it's important, she's trying to contact me after 10 years. Okay let's open it" I thought as I pulled the note from under my pillow out. *que dramatic music* Okay. okay. Let's open it. It was a beautiful letter. The envelope was a shimmery rose color and it was sealed with white wax that had the shape of a flower indented on it. I tore the seal, inside the paper was also very beautiful, also a shimmery rose color. On the note it read "See you soon little sis, love big sis" Bitch what. That's it? What does she mean she'll see me soon. "Whatever" I thought. I put the paper back into the envelope and put it in my bag and laid my head down. 

In the morning my friends actually woke me up, shocking. We all got ready together and went down to The Great Hall. While eating breakfast and laughing with my friends I looked down the table and noticed Tom along with his friends were all gone. Weird. Well I have a class with him today. DADA. And tomorrow is the weekend. 

In DADA class, Tom showed late. It was weird but he used the excuse that some kids were acting out and he had to escort them to Headmaster. As he sat down I said while smirking "so why were you actually late?" He laughed and said "Ya know I wouldn't even have attended this class today if I didn't sit next to you." As he said that I instantly got red. What is up with him lately? The rest of class we were silent. Completely silent. At the end of class professor told us that we would be continuing the study sessions for the rest of the year because it is beneficial to each of us. Oh Merlin help me. After she said that, Tom looked over at me and smirked. After that was said and done I was gone. I basically ran to my next class. 

~time skip to lunch of the day~

So at lunch Tom ended up showing, he was with his friends as well but they weren't eating. They all seemed to be in pain. Weird, like usual with Tom. Of course my friends and I were talking and laughing. "Sooooo y'all know how i'm in SlugClub?" I asked them and they all nodded with food in their mouth. "Well I have a dinner with them tomorrow and Tom said to dress nice" As I said that their eyes went wide. "Okay well we need to help you get ready. weneedtodoyourmakeupandfindadressandand" Millicent said really quickly obviously stressed. "Hey calm down it's gonna be okay" I said to her as we all laughed. I looked down the table and Tom was looking at me. Before I looked away he winked at me. I got butterflies IMMEDIETLY. 

After Lunch I found him walking so I ran up to him and asked him "hey Tom where do you want to study next?" He smirked and said "How about my dorm tonight?" I was kinda standing there frozen. 🧍‍♀️. Because Tom is a prefect he doesn't share a room with anyone. And everyone else is scared of him sooo. I mean okay tom ik you want this wap. Anyways, I still had like three classes to get through. 

All throughout the day I couldn't figure out why he wanted to study in his room. It was weird but soon I found myself leaving my last class of the day. I went and found Tom in the library, I went to go get some books and he said "oh no Darling you won't be needing those" and he put the books back. We started walking towards the slytherin dorms and on the way there it was silent. 

We walked into the common room and up to his dorm. He opened the door for me and I walked in. As I turned around and he closed the door, he started unbuttoning the sweater he had on. "So what do you want to start with?" He smiled and looked at me "We won't be studying like we usual do. I'm gonna ask you what a certain spell means and if you get it wrong you will get punished. Get it right and you will be rewarded. Is that okay?" I was shooketh. I nodded my head very okay with what was about to happen. 

Okay lets start... 

Y'all are gonna hate me for this cliffhanger Im sorry. I'll update tomorrow most likely I love you guys :). 

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