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My so-called fiance disappeared for three days.

No calls. No messages. Absolutely nothing on his end and I didn't know if I should be happy or not. I didn't know if it was good or not, basically, I didn't know anything and it was frustrating. Then again, it wasn't any different from what my father did but still, not cool.

What kind of man was he? First of all he buys me- no one could change my mind on that matter. Secondly, he forces me to move in with him without caring about what I thought, if I even wanted to move at all. Thirdly, he sends his men to pick me up, bosses me around only to disappear as if nothing?

After shaking off the feeling of Senator Astor- because let's be real, I could feel him on me even when he hadn't touched me. The way his grey eyes held mine, the imaginary grip he had on me, how I could feel a layer of something dark and powerful coat me and lure me in to him- I had practically ran to the bedroom as if I had done something wrong- I hadn't. I had locked myself in the room, had sat there on the floor until I started smelling- I wondered if he noticed, if that's why he stepped away from me- and when I stepped out of the shower, true to his word, Juliette was setting down a tray with food.

I had only stood there, watching her every movement until she was walking to the door but I stopped her. Chin high and shoulders stiff, I asked her not to come in or anyone come in if the door is locked- it creeped me out to have someone just walking in while I was showering- she only nodded and wished me a good night.

Part of me wanted not to eat, to rebel, starve- maybe I'd end up in the hospital and my parents would think this man was keeping me at bread and water- but the moment the door shut closed behind her. I ran to the food, to the delicious smell of cilantro, my mouth watering as I saw all she brought up for me, from the grilled chicken to the vanilla pudding and lemonade.

I ate it all.

And the moment I hit the bed- still in my robe- I had fallen fast asleep in the fluffiest and most comfortable bed I had ever touched. But instead of good dreams, of good things I wanted, I dreamt of him. Of his hands and lips, of his voice that seemed to wrap me, of just him and it was a nightmare.

Waking up on day one, I had absolutely no idea what to do- he said someone would come to get my measurements but for what? I didn't know, I could assume but sometimes assuming got you nowhere. Usually I would run down and eat with my mother, I would talk to her until I went up to change for the day and check my phone but this time, the first thing I did was check my phone.

Seeing absolutely nothing from no one and it made my stomach tight because I expected it from Antonio but Vivi? She would always answer and help me if she could so it did make me worry about what was going on with her. And with that, I lost a little bit of hope, thinking that Antonio would do something.

I would have stayed in the room- to avoid him, everyone really- but Juliette knocked with a breakfast. Telling me that Senator Astor asked her to bring it up because he knew I wouldn't leave this room unless I was forced out- I could admit that he was smart.

I had sat there alone until again, Juliette came by but this time with a man and a woman behind her. Juliette told me they were here to get my measurements and her staying as they did that. The woman with bright purple hair saying nothing and only pinching me and making me stand, complementing my posture and muttering to the man each number until they left without saying goodbye.

Juliette left after, telling me again if I needed anything, she'd be in the kitchen. Still I said nothing.

All day I stayed in the room- window and curtains closed, there were men walking outside- I rotated between going through my clothes and doing ballet poses. Bending back and to my sides, letting my muscle stretch, practicing my breathing, waiting for that call or message only for it all to be a waste.

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