Chapter 1: The news

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Your parents have always been strict and have forced you to do things that you don't want to do before so when they told you that you were engaged to a man named Thomas Hewitt, you weren't very surprised. At first you thought your life was going to be over, marrying a complete stranger, no thank you! (Y/N): "Are you kidding me? an arranged marriage, have you guys lost your minds?!" (Mom): "(Y/N) calm down, it's going to be fine you're overreacting" after hearing the news you went out to the barn to feed your animals, there was an old tree stump just outside the barn that you liked to sit on when you needed some time to yourself. (Y/N): "Hopefully he at least likes animals.. and being outdoors...") You had no idea what Thomas looked like or anything about him whatsoever, but somewhere inside you were a little excited to find out, of course you weren't going to let your parents know. (Mom): "Come on inside dear, you need to take your bath and pick out what outfit you want to wear tomorrow when you meet Thomas" Tomorrow! you just found out about this whole arrangment. You spent the rest of the night thinking about what he would look like, what his voice would sound like and.. could he actuallly love you? you couldn't sleep at all that night, so many questions running through your mind.

An Unexpected Romance: LeatherfaceWhere stories live. Discover now