If I Hold On (4/6)

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'Chapter 4: Dumbledore's Funeral' is what this chapter was called.

Scrimgeour walked away from Harry, and Harry kept walking his path around the lake, taking in the view of the Hogwarts grounds. It really was beautiful this time of year. He couldn't think of a more perfect place for Dumbledore to be buried. As he walked, trying to decide what his plan now that Dumbledore could not lead him was, Harry heard footsteps approaching behind him. He stopped, waiting for whoever it was to greet him, too mentally exhausted from the last few days to have a thought for politeness.

"Hi Harry," Cedric said softly. "Nice day, isn't it?"

Harry shrugged. "You came with the Ministry?" Upon graduation, Cedric had signed up to be an Auror and put in a new accelerated training program that Head Auror Robards had established to fight against the Death Eaters. Cedric had proved himself quickly, and he had quickly become the face of the Young Aurors Program. Not that Harry had read any of the Daily Prophet features on Cedric. Not like he had them all in his trunk upstairs.

"Yes. But I wanted to be here. It's Dumbledore."

Harry looked at him. "What do you want to tell me?"

Cedric sighed. "You just cut right to it, don't you? No time for nonsense."

"None of us have time for nonsense. Dumbledore's gone and Voldemort's still out there. None of us have any time to waste, and I've never been a man who likes small talk."

"Why walk around the lake then?"

"One last day in the sun. What do you need?"

"I need to let you know that, should you ever need it, I can always help you."

"With what?"

Cedric shrugged. "Whatever you need. I'm a Hufflepuff, loyal to the very end. And if you're going to take on Voldemort, you'll need all the help and friends you can get."

Harry was silent for a minute. "Thanks, Cedric."

Cedric glanced over at the Ministry party as he and Harry came around to where they had been seated for Dumbledore's funeral. "I should probably be leaving."

Harry nodded. The words, "Don't go," were echoing around in his head, but the last time he said that it had been too late, and this time Cedric had to go. He watched Cedric rejoin the Minister and his entourage. Harry thought he saw Cedric glance over his shoulder before disappearing into the crowd. Harry sighed and, catching sight of Ron and Hermione, ran to meet them. He had made his decision, and he had to tell his friends. Plans had to be made. He put Cedric out of his mind as he called out to his friends.
451 words

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