From Drawing Circles, They Come Around (14/?)

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'Chapter 14: His with His'

Monday morning was a blur. Harry sat across from Hermione and Ron that morning with his head in his hands while the tables full of gossiping students buzzed around him...literally. At that moment, a magically enhanced piece of parchment flew at Harry's head. Likely sent from a muggleborn wizard who was familiar with the concept of the paper airplane.

"You know what? That's it." Harry said, making to grab his wand.

"Right on, ma-" Ron said grabbing his, getting cut off sharply by Hermione's hand on his arm.

"Harry! No!" Hermione said looking crossly at him.

"Well sitting here taking it all in doesn't seem like a winning strategy."

Before anyone could say anything, a soft, firm voice sounded next to him "Sometimes it's not about winning, Harry."

Harry turned and smiled at Cedric. He could never stay mad for long in Cedric's presence.

Cedric gestured to the copy of the Prophet in front of them, "Quite a read this morning, eh?"

Clearing his throat, Ron said, "Certainly an eye full."

This edition of the prophet covered alot of ground fast. Skeeter railed into him painting him as a careless, reckless, self-centered person who goes off on whims in the dark forest and associates with seedy characters which ultimately opened the door for He Who Must Not Be Named to return. The article thankfully was sourced poorly by someone interviewed several degrees removed from the events, as per usual, and did not mention much about Cedric's involvement.

That relief was short lived however, when two seventh year Hufflepuff girls that Harry had seen around but rarely with Cedric walked by and said, "Still haven't learned your lesson, eh Diggory?"

Cedric turned to face them and said, "Guess not. See you around, then."

Annoyed at having been dismissed, one of them pressed on "Guess that show wasn't just a reflection of Potter's feelings after all. You were after Potter for a while. At what point did you want in his pants?"

Hermione and Ron stared at her openmouthed, as the other one continued sneering at him, "Hope it wasn't as soon as he stepped off the first year boats."

Harry stood up at that moment, "You need to leave. Now."

There was no room in his tone for there to be any further discussion and they turned slowly to continue towards the entrance, but not before sizing him up and laughing.

Harry hadn't realized his fists were clenched until he felt Cedric's hand clasp his and he immediately relaxed his grip, allowing his fingers to lace with his.

He allowed Cedric to pull him toward the entrance. "Cedric, we have first class soon."

"That's why we mustn't waste what time we have together." Cedric said softly.

Before they could reach the hallway, Professors Snape, McGonagall, and Sprout stopped them at the entrance. "Mr. Diggory, Mr. Potter. A word, if you please?" Snape asked, in a tone that suggested there was no room for refusal in spite of the polite words.

Once inside Professor Sprout's office, as hers was the closest to the great hall, Professor Snape proceeded to retell the events of the previous night. He spared them the description of their compromising position, for which he received no credit. Harry could feel his face growing hot and, after managing a stolen glance at Cedric, was surprised to see him the perfect picture of professionalism. At the end, Professor McGonagall began "Well, Mr. Potter, I have to say that I had thought our late night ventures were settled down. I suppose I am mistaken."

Professor Sprout shook her head slowly in disappointment, and sighed "Diggory, this is not you. Don't let some silly romance ruin all you've worked to build these past seven years."

Harry looked down at his hands at that. At that moment, Cedric bravely put his hand on Harry's again and left it there. Harry looked up and smiled at him shyly.

Professor McGonagall was secretly pleased to see Harry being treated with this kind of tenderness and stepped in. "I for one am not here to discredit any romances, however, looking at the rules we see a few have been broken. Now to the consequences, 15 points from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, along with one night's detention."

"Separately." Professor Snape added.

After it was over, they each went their own way, and Harry found himself reeling. The past few days sure had been another rollercoaster. Not that he had been on many. His fat cousin prohibited him from going on the few rides he might've enjoyed.

Suffice it to say, he was looking forward to the holidays. Maybe then he could relax a bit. That thought begged the question though: what should he get Cedric for Christmas?

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