From Drawing Circles, They Come Around (9/?)

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'Chapter 9: Signs'

The two spent the remainder of that weekend together. The only times they seperated were at meals, and a few hours Sunday afternoon to catch up on homework, but the rest was used to become familiar with each other's past. Cedric told Harry what it was like for him growing up as a child in the wizarding world; and Harry, begrudingly for his part, told Cedric what it was like growing up with the Dursleys as a muggle without even knowing about wizards. Telling Cedric those things had not been pleasant, for he divulged details that even Ron and Hermione didn't know, but those were the bits and pieces Cedric wanted to coax from him. He wanted the whole Harry. Likewise, Harry listened to Cedric, and allowed him to be vulnerable, which he did not do often at home or at school. Cedric gave a complete picture of what was behind his pretty face, and talked about the pressure he felt that came with it along with the expectations of his father.

The two parted ways that night, with their first kiss. It was soft and unsure at first, but they were both there in that moment together completely. Emotionally exhausted, though very excited and happy, Harry's head hit the pillow hard that night, and he slept deeply. So deeply in fact, that his mind stumbled upon another vision: first Cedric, who is all goodness and light, then the graveyard with its thorns and fright, followed by evil green bringing death to Cedric whose soul takes flight.

Harry woke with a startled yell. Ron and the other boys woke up in response and gathered around him in his bed. He didn't bother to hide the truth because what did it gain him, and he was completely clueless as to what the visions intended. Ron, Dean, Neville, and Seamus listened not understanding it either. They advised him to take the matter to Dumbledore directly, the persistence of the visions, if nothing else, was cause enough for concern. And if their content had even the slightest chance of coming to pass, all the more reason to be prepared.

That morning at breakfast, when Cedric looked across the table at Harry, hoping to see Harry return the smile he was given, all he saw was sadness. The sadness was not open for all, but he could see it, and that was all that mattered. In the hallway between classes, Cedric pulled Harry aside.

"What's bothering you, Harry? You'll not push me away again." Cedric said firmly.

Harry nodded his head in compliance. "Later, ok? I'm sorry to worry you."

Cedric frowned and said he'd hold him to it, and continued walking to class looking disappointed. And now Harry was frustrated because this isn't what he wanted for his and Cedric's relationship. He wanted to always be a source of happiness for Cedric whenever he was near, and not to be the cause of distress, pain, or confusion.

Cedric spent the day in a fog. If this is what being with Harry was going to continue to be like: one emotional rollercoaster with unexpected ups and downs, turns, and flips; he wasn't sure if he would come out alive. And they weren't even together...

Leaving his seat at his table, Cedric walked up to Harry in the middle of lunch as he ate with his friends, "Harry. A word?" His face was not cross, merely serious.

Harry looked up at him and smiled softly. "Of course."
Harry stood and walked with him to the entrance, murmurs of "uh oh" "lover's quarrel" and "someone's in the dog house" could be heard at their backs among suggestive whistles.

Harry grabbed Cedric by the shoulder, gently, figuring the best defense is a good offense. "Hey, please don't be worried. Everything's fine."

"Everything is not fine. If it were, you wouldn't need to convince me so." He followed sofly with "And it may surprise you, but I'm starting to learn to read your feelings well."

Giving Cedric his credit, "I've been having a recurring dream..a nightmare, really-in the nightmare, I keep seeing your death in that graveyard. We stopped his plans that time, but he will come back. He will not rest until he has."

Cedric's throat constricted,"Harry, that's awful. I'm sorry to be the cause of your worry after all."

"No, no, you are not the cause. But I will not allow Voldemort to return and lay one finger on you. Do you hear me?"

Cedric stared at Harry intently, believing his truth. "And if you think I will let you face him alone, you're a fool."

Before they could continue their conversation, Professor Dumbledore approached them. "Good evening, boys. Lovely night for stargazing, if one chooses to indulge in such simple pleasures as soaking in the sky."

Neither was in the mood to deciper another of Dumbledore's lectures with hidden meanings, "Sorry professor. We were just having a little argument."

"So, it would seem to any who might pass you by, however, I thought it best to offer this not as an observation, but rather it is meant to be taken as advice. Just remember that no lives are at stake tonight, and that the answer will likely come to both of you if you simply observe the patterns before you in the sky and remain open to what the other's heart is saying."

Neither Cedric nor Harry responded to that, and with that, Dumbledore continued his stroll along the courtyard walking with his hands behind his back.

"I hate it when he does that." Harry exclaimed.

"Agreed. Any idea what that all means?" Cedric asked.

"Not a clue." Harry replied.

Both remained silent for a while, looking up at the stars from the courtyard. After a while, they found they had forgotten what the source of the discourse from their previous conversation. Not its content, but the feelings of uncertainty and disconnect that was weighing it down. Cedric turned to Harry, and he smiled softly. Harry returned it. Harry then leaned his head on Cedric's shoulder, and Cedric responded by nuzzling Harry's hair with his nose. "Come now, Harry, let's not be at odds." Harry loved hearing Cedric say his name. It was like hearing his favorite song over and over, or hearing an intimate secret that couldn't be shared with anyone.

"No, let's not."

It was at that moment Harry's scar began to burn with searing recognition of what was to come.

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