From Drawing Circles, They Come Around (7/?)

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'Chapter 7: Time to Fly'

Vision blurred by artificial light. Hearing deafened by noises white. Thoughts blocked by words that bite.

Harry ran as fast as he could escape the hall, and, next, the castle. He couldn't hear the people reaching out to him from behind. He didn't want to. He made it to the bridge, and found the clarity to grab his wand to summon the broom. By the time his feet made it to the end of the bridge to the the grass at the exit, he reached up and grabbed the broom from the air.

Fast and far, Harry flew. The higher and further, the better, as far as he concerned himself. With distance and time, his mind eventually cleared and reason returned.

As he began to fly back, slowly, in the direction of the castle, he began to think about what to do next. Leaving indefinitely was not the answer. Voldemort was still out there and after him. He stood a much better chance the more advanced his magical education became. He stood a much better chance if he did not stand alone. And, in truth, he didn't really want to leave for good. Even if he had just suffered the greatest humiliating exposure of his life.

He was sure he was going to get into trouble with the professors for being out so late at night and off the grounds at that. He decided that being late is like being pregnant: either you are, or you aren't. So since he was already late, Harry might as well take the opportunity to drop in on Hagrid. He landed at the footsteps of Hagrid's cottage and laid his broom down outside against the side of the door, then knocked.

Harry smiled warmly at Hagrid's greeting "Harry, how've you been lad? Come inside!"

Harry walked inside and sat down with Hagrid, drinking the tea he was offered.

Hagrid asked, "What brings you out so late, then? Is there any of that funny business you three are always workin' on?"

Harry chuckled, understanding how Hagrid would assume he was there on another mission. Part of him wished he was. Those problems, granted more dangerous, were more straightforward. "No, I nothing like that at all. I just-I had a pretty rough night."

As Hagrid had been one of the people not in the great hall at the time, Harry was forced to relive the events of the evening. It was good, though, because saying the words out loud made the events seem smaller than they had felt as he was living them and it helped him think through. For his part, Hagrid listened patiently and said nothing until Harry finished.

Heaving a sigh, "Well then..put on quite a show then haven't we?"

"How am I supposed to face them, Hagrid?" Harry asked, not really expecting to find the answer.

"You hold your head high, Harry. Look them dead in the eyes and say "what of it." Let it pass with time. May not be easy o'course, but that's the best way to go bout it I expect."

Harry merely nodded, drinking his tea. Did he really have that kind of strength?

"Night can't have been all that bad, eh? That Cedric lad, he's a handsome one to have." Hagrid said, trying to cheer Harry up.

Harry blushed at that, "He-he's not mine." Harry said softly, looking at his lap before meeting Hagrid's eyes again.

"Well then. I'd say that's what you should be more fixed on. If that's what you want, that is." Hagrid said, starting to clear away their empty dishes.

Harry bade him goodnight and thanked him for listening before he turned towards the castle. He made his way up the staircase replaying the night over in his mind, thinking of getting through the weekend ahead, walking with no hurry at all.

Late as it was, he knew he would have to use a stealthy, quiet speed without the aid of his invisibility cloak. But he had his wand. After reaching the top of the last staircase towards the corridor near Gryffindor Tower, he thought he was home free when he heard a voice behind him.

"Late night, Harry?" Cedric asked quietly.

Harry spun around, taking everything in him not to yell from being startled like that, merely flinching instead.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Cedric said, his face kind.

He hadn't planned on this, and he certainly wasn't prepared for this conversation. Especially when he had no idea what he should say. There was no explanation he could give, no words to hide behind. There was only one path, and he had to own it.

"Hello, Cedric." Harry said simply.

There was no need to ask Cedric why he happened to be up so late and why he happened to be around the entrance to the Gryffindor Tower.

"Is there something you wanted?" Harry asked pointedly.

Cedric blinked, then smiled. "I wanted to see how you were."

Harry nodded, "How'd you know I'd be back?"

Cedric shook his head, "I didn't."

Harry took that in. He figured it was time to show consideration for the position he put him in. "Thank you."

He took a breath and was the first to speak again.

"I'm sorry for-" Putting something very personal out on display? For taking off and leaving it all on your doorstep? Not saying the right thing ever? "-everything."

"You don't have to apologise, Harry. We can't help how we feel." Cedric said smiling shyly.

Harry blushed, not knowing what to say next.

Cedric stepped a little closer. "I did like what I saw, for my part. Did you?"

Harry swallowed a hard lump "Yes."

He was on cloud nine, but there was still reality. "What about everyone else?"

Cedric shook his head, "Doesn't matter. It's already out there."

Harry nodded, it was true. No turning back.

"Skip breakfast with me in the morning?" Cedric asked.

Harry smiled at that, but at the mention of food his stomach growled. "I'd like that. But I missed dinner already, I don't think I can pass tomorrow too."

"Oh, we'll eat. Just not in the great hall. You in?" Cedric offered.

"Yeah, that sounds like fun." Harry said smiling.

"Brilliant. Meet me down by the lake at 9?" Cedric asked.

"I'll be there." Harry said, turning toward the fat lady.

"Goodnight then, Harry." Cedric said, turning to leave, but then stopping and walking straight to Harry. He gently placed his lips on Harry's cheek. "Sleep well."

Not knowing what to say, Harry watched him until he was out of sight. Then he turned to the fat lady and said the password. She scolded him for the late hour but then told him she completely understood and congratulated him on such a "fine catch."

He made it to his room with no further interaction, and, after having had quite an adventure, fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

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