Testor Ego Amorem Perpetuum (12/12)

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'Chapter 12: I Have All I Need'


Cedric turned as footsteps approached them. He was sitting with Harry, both of them in fresh robes, waiting for Madam Pomfrey's final release from the Hospital Wing. Various people had come to visit them throughout the day, until it seemed they had seen most of Hufflepuff and Gryffindor house at one point or another. But Cedric's parents hadn't shown up again.

Until now.

"Dad," Cedric couldn't meet his father's gaze, too terrified of the disapproval he might find there. Harry's grip on his arm tightened, in a way that was both reassuring and protective.

"Ced," His father sank into a chair across from them, running his fingers through his hair and suddenly looking like a much older man. "I'm sorry."

Cedric looked up in surprise, "You are?"

He nodded, and Cedric's mother sat down beside him, "We are, Cedric. To both of you. We should have been happy for you, supportive. But we...we were scared, Cedric. You almost died."

"...what changed?"

"Dumbledore talked to us," Cedric's father admitted. "There's a war growing. And it still terrifies me, but fear isn't going to change it. I'm going to fight it, I don't want to lose you to that violence. And I refuse to lose you to my own fear. I'm not a Gryffindor for nothing. We're in this fight now, whether we want to be or not. We're stronger together."

Slowly, Cedric felt himself smile and move to embrace his parents, trying desperately not to cry.

Breaking apart, his mother gestured to Harry, who had sat by somewhat awkwardly, "Well, Cedric, I think you have someone you should introduce us to, properly."

Madam Pomfrey gave them clearance to leave the Hospital Wing for a bit, but Cedric and Harry found themselves at a bit of a loss for what to do. The Leaving Feast would be the following evening, and both of them needed to pack, but the thought of dealing with other people or leaving each other wasn't quite bearable yet. So, as in the distance the sun was slowly reaching to kiss the horizon and turn the sky golden, they found themselves wandering.

Cedric was struck by the desire to reach out to Harry about every heartbeat, to put an arm around his shoulders, or brush the hair from his forehead, or interlace their fingers, or lean in and...but he restrained himself. He felt a responsibility resting on his shoulders as the older person to not pressure Harry into anything.

He wasn't sure quite where they stood. They both felt...deep feelings for each other, the soulmarks were certainly proof of that, but plenty of friends felt deep feelings. Cedric's thoughts wandered back to the cloth covering on his wrist...Harry didn't need to kiss it back...but he did.

Eventually they made their way to the covered bridge and stopped, both resting on the railing.

"Hogwarts really is beautiful," Harry said softly, looking out at the lake and the mountains. "I don't know why I don't notice that every day. Now we're going to leave and..." Harry grimaced, "The place I'm going isn't quite so beautiful."

Oh Harry...

"The place I'm going isn't quite so beautiful," Harry muttered.

Cedric looked at him, something remorseful in his gaze, "I'm sorry." He said plainly. "I wish...I tried to convince Dumbledore...no one will listen to me."

Harry shrugged, trying to ease Cedric's worry, "It's okay Cedric, really."

"It's not okay, nor will it ever be okay," Cedric insisted.

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